================================================ [0915.2002] LEARNFAST ================================================ by Michal Wallace http://sabren.net/code/ ================================================ OVERVIEW -------- LearnFast is a flashcard program for learning languages, especially the constructed language Lojban. LearnFast attempts to apply the best practices available for teaching language. It also uses the Lojban word frequency database to teach the most common words first. In the first half of a session (training), LearnFast plays classical music and presents you with english meanings, followed by the lojban translation, which is also said out loud. The words repeat in an order designed to keep them in short-term memory. Learnfast presents 64 cards each lesson, and takes about 15 minutes. The second half of the session (testing) asks you to type lojban words for specific English meanings. These drills use a "ladder" system to test how well you know each word. The better you get at recalling a word, the higher it moves up the ladder. Trouble words are reviewed in the next training session, along with new words to replace the ones that have already been mastered. LINKS ----- LearnFast requires: python: http://www.python.org/ pygame: http://www.pygame.org/ If you want to record your own words, you need the Snack sound toolkit: http://www.speech.kth.se/snack/ The main Lojban site is: http://www.lojban.org/ THEORY ------ LearnFast combines ideas from three methods of language learning to help students learn new words as quickly as possible: SUPERLEARNING (SUGGESTOPEDIA): A system developed in Russia during the cold war. Basically it involves presenting words in a certain rhythm while a specific type of baroque music plays. The superlearning method involves passive listening, followed by an "activation session". Learnfast does not follow the superlearning method exactly, though: passive listening is replaced by the principle of anticipation: GRADUATED INTERVAL RECALL and ANTICIPATION These terms come from the Paul Pimsleur, whose tapesets are considered some of the best for language learning. (They're the best *I've* heard, anyway) Graduated Interval Recall just means that LearnFast tells you the word, waits a couple seconds, and then reminds you. A little while later, it reminds you again, and so on, with the interval getting longer and longer. This has to do with the way our short term memory works. The goal is to remind students of a word before it drops out of their short term memory completely. Each time it's recalled, it stays in memory longer. Anticipation means that you're likely to remember something if you're looking for it when you encounter it. LearnFast prompts you with the English translation of the word. Either you know the lojban word or you don't. But if you don't, it's shown a second later, just as you're trying to remember. LOGFLASH This is an older program for teaching lojban words. It's got a really good concept, but the interface is somewhat old. Also, the words seem to be taught in random order, and you are tested on words before you are exposed to them. LearnFast corrects these problems by teaching the most common words first, and by putting the testing session AFTER an audio/visual training session. Finally, Logflash focuses first on recognition - showing you the Lojban word, asking for the English. LearnFast focuses on recall - showing you the English meaning, and asking for the Lojban word.