17.19. Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters

This list is intended to be suggestive, not complete: there are lerfu such as Polish ł and Maltese ħ that do not yet have symbols.

acute (as in á) .akut. bu or .pritygal. bu [ pritu galtu ]
grave (as in à) .grav. bu or .zulgal. bu [ zunle galtu ]
circumflex (as in â) .cirkumfleks. bu or .midgal. bu [ midju galtu ]
tilde ( ~) .tildes. bu
macron (as in ā) .makron. bu
breve (as in ă) .brevis. bu
over-dot (as in ȧ) .gapmoc. bu [ gapru mokca ]
diaeresis/umlaut/tréma (as in ä) .relmoc. bu [ re mokca ]
overring (as in å) .gapyjin. bu [ gapru djine ]
cedilla (as in ç) .seDIlys. bu
double acute (as in ) .re'akut. bu [re .akut.]
ogonek (as in ą) .ogonek. bu
caron, háček (as in ǎ) .xatcek. bu
ligatured fi tei fy. ibu foi
Danish/Latin æ tei .abu .ebu foi
Dutch ij tei .ibu jy. foi
German ß, Eszett tei sy. zy. foi