Lojban Words Index


.a: cmavo, sumti connection, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
.a'enai: Propositional attitude indicators
.a'o: What are attitudinal indicators?
.a'u: More about non-logical connectives
.a'ucu'i: Propositional attitude indicators
.abu: A to Z in Lojban, plus one, The universal bu, lerfu words as pro-sumti, References to lerfu, References to lerfu, References to lerfu, References to lerfu, Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
.ai: Quotation summary, What are attitudinal indicators?, Vocative scales
.au: cmavo, What are attitudinal indicators?, Attitudinal modifiers
.e: cmavo, sumti connection, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
.ebu: A to Z in Lojban, plus one, Accent marks and compound lerfu words, Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
.ei: cmavo, What are attitudinal indicators?
.eicai: Attitudes as scales
.eicu'i: Attitudes as scales
.einai: Attitudes as scales
.eiru'e: Attitudes as scales
.eisai: Attitudes as scales
.i: cmavo, Logical connection of bridi, Forethought bridi connection, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Truth questions and connective questions, More about non-logical connectives, More about non-logical connectives, More about non-logical connectives, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection
.i'anai: Propositional attitude indicators
.i'enai: Propositional attitude indicators
.i'inai: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
.ia: cmavo, cmavo, What are attitudinal indicators?, What are attitudinal indicators?, Pure emotion indicators
.ianai: What are attitudinal indicators?, What are attitudinal indicators?, Propositional attitude indicators, Discursives
.ibu: cmavo, A to Z in Lojban, plus one, Accent marks and compound lerfu words, Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
.ie: cmavo, What are attitudinal indicators?, Pure emotion indicators, Vocative scales
.ienai: Negation of minor grammatical constructs
.ii: cmavo, What are attitudinal indicators?, Attitudes as scales
.ija: bridi negation and logical connectives
.ije: bridi negation and logical connectives, A few notes on variables, A few notes on variables
.ijebabo: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
.io: cmavo, What are attitudinal indicators?, Attitudinal modifiers
.iu: cmavo, What are attitudinal indicators?
.o: cmavo, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
.obu: A to Z in Lojban, plus one, Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
.oi: What are attitudinal indicators?, Pure emotion indicators, Attitudes as scales, Compound indicators
.oinai: Compound indicators
.onai: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
.u: cmavo, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
.u'u: Pure emotion indicators
.u'unai: Attitudinal modifiers
.ua: cmavo, What are attitudinal indicators?
.uanai: Miscellaneous indicators
.ubu: A to Z in Lojban, plus one, Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
.ue: cmavo, What are attitudinal indicators?
.ui: cmavo, What are attitudinal indicators?, What are attitudinal indicators?, The universal bu, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
.uinai: Negation of minor grammatical constructs
.uo: cmavo, What are attitudinal indicators?, Pure emotion indicators
.uu: cmavo, What are attitudinal indicators?, Pure emotion indicators, Pure emotion indicators
.y'y: A to Z in Lojban, plus one, A to Z in Lojban, plus one, Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
.y'y.: Vowel Pairs, A to Z in Lojban, plus one
.y.: cmavo, Hesitation: Y, Hesitation: Y, List of cmavo interactions
.y.bu: Acronyms, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
.ybu: A to Z in Lojban, plus one


ba: Tenses, cmavo, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Temporal tenses: PU and ZI, Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Sticky and multiple tenses: KI, Tensed logical connectives, Logical and non-logical connections between tenses, Tenses versus modals, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection
ba'a: Evidentials, Evidentials
ba'acu'i: Evidentials
ba'anai: Evidentials
ba'e: The universal bu, Contrastive emphasis: BAhE, Contrastive emphasis: BAhE, Contrastive emphasis: BAhE
ba'o: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Sticky and multiple tenses: KI, Sticky and multiple tenses: KI, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
bai: Modal selbri, Modal selbri, Modal selbri, Sticky modals, Termset logical connection
bai ke: Modal selbri
bajra: Some words used to indicate selbri relations
bakrecpa'o: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
bakri: rafsi
balsoi: Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo, Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo, Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo, Ordering lujvo places., Ordering lujvo places., Implicit-abstraction lujvo
balvi: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI, Tenses versus modals, Tenses versus modals, Tenses versus modals
bangu: Lojban names
banli: Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo, Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo, Ordering lujvo places.
bapu: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
barda: Simple tanru
basti: Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo
basygau: Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo
batci: Dropping the prenex
bau: Modal selbri, Modal conversion: JAI, Sticky modals
bavla'i: lujvo with more than two parts., lujvo with more than two parts.
bavlamdei: lujvo with more than two parts., lujvo with more than two parts., lujvo with more than two parts.
baxso: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
be: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, Scalar negation of selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Modal tags: BAI, Modal tags: BAI, Why have lujvo?, selbri and tanru negation, Expressing scales in selbri negation, Using naku outside a prenex, Questions and answers, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
be'a: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
be'o: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, selbri based on sumti: me, Scalar negation of selbri, Why have lujvo?
be'u: Attitudinal modifiers, Attitudinal modifiers
bei: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, Scalar negation of selbri, Why have lujvo?, selbri and tanru negation, Using naku outside a prenex, Questions and answers, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
bemro: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
bengo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
bi'e: Simple infix expressions and equations, Simple infix expressions and equations, Simple infix expressions and equations, Simple infix expressions and equations, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
bi'i: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
bi'o: Logical and non-logical connections between tenses, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
bi'u: Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators
bi'unai: Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators
bilma: rafsi
bindo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
birka: Relative phrases
blabi: Relative clauses and descriptors
blaci: rafsi, rafsi
blakanla: Eliding SE rafsi from tertau, Eliding SE rafsi from tertau
blanu: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Inversion of tanru: co, Miscellaneous indicators, Metalinguistic negation forms
blari'o: Some words used to indicate selbri relations, Description sumti
blaselkanla: Eliding SE rafsi from tertau
blolei: lujvo-making examples, lujvo-making examples, lujvo-making examples
bloti: lujvo-making examples, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
bo: Three-part tanru grouping with bo, Three-part tanru grouping with bo, Three-part tanru grouping with bo, Three-part tanru grouping with bo, Complex tanru grouping, Complex tanru grouping, Complex tanru grouping, Complex tanru grouping, Complex tanru grouping, Complex tanru grouping, Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, “Pretty little girls' school”: forty ways to say it, “Pretty little girls' school”: forty ways to say it, sumti qualifiers, sumti qualifiers, Modal sentence connection: the causals, Modal sentence connection: the causals, Tense relations between sentences, Tense relations between sentences, Tensed logical connectives, Tensed logical connectives, Tensed logical connectives, Why have lujvo?, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Multiple compound bridi, Logical connection within tanru, More about non-logical connectives, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, selbri and tanru negation, Miscellany, Sentences: I, Attitude scope markers: FUhE/FUhO
boi: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, lerfu words as pro-sumti, lerfu words as pro-sumti, lerfu words as pro-sumti, lerfu words as pro-sumti, Mathematical uses of lerfu strings, Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Special mekso selbri, Special mekso selbri, Subscripts, Subscripts, Reverse Polish notation, Other uses of mekso, Subscripts: XI
bradi: The gismu creation algorithm
brazo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
bredi: The gismu creation algorithm
bridi: The concept of the bridi, The concept of the bridi, Lojban grammatical terms, Syllabication And Stress, The gismu creation algorithm, Property abstractions, Property abstractions
brito: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
brivla: Examples of brivla, Lojban grammatical terms, Syllabication And Stress, brivla, lujvo, rafsi
broda: gismu, Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Subscripts: XI
brode: gismu, Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Subscripts: XI
brodi: gismu, The gismu creation algorithm, Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu, Subscripts: XI
brodo: gismu, Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu, Subscripts: XI
brodu: gismu, Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu, Subscripts: XI
bu: A to Z in Lojban, plus one, A to Z in Lojban, plus one, A to Z in Lojban, plus one, The universal bu, The universal bu, The universal bu, The universal bu, The universal bu, The universal bu, The universal bu, The universal bu, The universal bu, The universal bu, The universal bu, The universal bu, Alien alphabets, Alien alphabets, Alien alphabets, Alien alphabets, Alien alphabets, Alien alphabets, Alien alphabets, Alien alphabets, Punctuation marks, Punctuation marks, Punctuation marks, Punctuation marks, Acronyms, Acronyms, List of all auxiliary lerfu-word cmavo, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions
bu'a: lujvo based on pro-sumti, selbri variables, selbri variables, selbri variables, A few notes on variables
bu'e: selbri variables, selbri variables, A few notes on variables
bu'i: selbri variables, selbri variables, A few notes on variables
bu'o: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours, Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
bu'ocu'i: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
bu'onai: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
bu'u: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
bubu: The universal bu
budjo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
by: A to Z in Lojban, plus one, Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
by.: rafsi, A to Z in Lojban, plus one, lerfu words as pro-sumti


ca: Tenses, Temporal tenses: PU and ZI, Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA, Tenses as sumtcita, Tenses as sumtcita, Tenses in subordinate bridi, Tenses in subordinate bridi, Tenses in subordinate bridi, Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA, Tenses, modals, and logical connection
ca'a: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
ca'e: Evidentials, Evidentials
ca'o: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
cabna: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
cadzu: Conversion of simple selbri, Conversion of simple selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
cafne: Lojban sumti raising
cagyce'u: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
cai: Attitudes as scales, Attitudes as scales
cakcinki: Dependent places, Dependent places, Dependent places
calku: Dependent places, Dependent places
carmi: Attitudes as scales
casnu: More about non-logical connectives, More about non-logical connectives
ce: cmavo, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives
ce'a: Alien alphabets, Punctuation marks
ce'e: Logical and non-logical connection of modals, Termset logical connection, Grouping of quantifiers
ce'i: Signs and numerical punctuation, Miscellany
ce'o: Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, More about non-logical connectives, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
ce'u: Abstraction focus pro-sumti: ce'u, Abstraction focus pro-sumti: ce'u, Abstraction focus pro-sumti: ce'u, Property abstractions, Property abstractions
cei: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
centi: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
ci: Quantified sumti, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Simple infix expressions and equations, Simple infix expressions and equations, Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Reverse Polish notation, Reverse Polish notation
ci'ajbu: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
ci'e: Metalinguistic negation forms
ci'u: Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Notes on gismu place structures, Expressing scales in selbri negation, Expressing scales in selbri negation, Metalinguistic negation forms
cidja: fu'ivla
cidjrspageti: fu'ivla
cinfo: Notes on gismu place structures, Notes on gismu place structures
cinki: Dependent places, Notes on gismu place structures
cipnrstrigi: Some types of symmetrical tanru
cirla: fu'ivla
ciste: Expressing scales in selbri negation, Expressing scales in selbri negation, Metalinguistic negation forms
citka: Implicit-abstraction lujvo
citmau: Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives
citno: Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives
ckule: Three-part tanru grouping with bo, Three-part tanru grouping with bo, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Dependent places
cladakfu: lujvo with more than two parts.
cladakyxa'i: Some types of asymmetrical tanru, lujvo with more than two parts., lujvo with more than two parts., lujvo with more than two parts.
clani: lujvo with more than two parts.
cliva: Dependent places, Dependent places
cmaci: fu'ivla
cmalu: Simple tanru, Three-part tanru grouping with bo, Complex tanru grouping, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
cmaro'i: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
cmavo: Variant bridi structure, Lojban grammatical terms, Syllabication And Stress, gismu, Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu, Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
cmevla: Syllabication And Stress, cmevla
cmima: Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
co: Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, selbri and tanru negation
co'a: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Space interval modifiers: FEhE, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
co'e: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, lujvo based on pro-sumti, GOhA and other pro-bridi by series
co'i: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
co'o: Vocatives and commands, Negation of minor grammatical constructs
co'u: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
coi: Vocatives and commands, cmavo, The syntax of vocative phrases
coico'o: Vocative scales
cpumi'i: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
cribe: The three basic description types
ctigau: Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo
cu: Some simple Lojban bridi, Variant bridi structure, Variant bridi structure, Variant bridi structure, Variant bridi structure, Variant bridi structure, Description sumti, Description sumti, Description sumti, Questions, Tenses, Tenses, The three basic description types, Standard bridi form: cu, Standard bridi form: cu, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Modal selbri, Modal selbri, Introductory, Introductory, The syntax of abstraction, bridi negation, Truth questions
cu'e: Tense questions: cu'e, Tense questions: cu'e, Questions and answers
cu'i: What are attitudinal indicators?, Pure emotion indicators, Attitudes as scales, Attitudes as scales, The space of emotions
cu'o: Special mekso selbri, Miscellany, Miscellany, mekso selma'o summary
cu'u: cmavo, Modal relative phrases; Comparison
cumki: Attitudes as scales
cunso: Miscellany, Miscellany, Table of MOI cmavo, with associated rafsi and place structures
cusku: Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Anomalous lujvo, Anomalous lujvo, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI
cutci: Some words used to indicate selbri relations
cuxna: Non-logical connectives
cy: A to Z in Lojban, plus one, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
cy.: cmavo, A to Z in Lojban, plus one


da: Pro-sumti summary, Indirect questions, Indirect questions, Compound bridi, bridi negation, Existential claims, prenexes, and variables, Existential claims, prenexes, and variables, Existential claims, prenexes, and variables, Universal claims, Universal claims, Restricted claims: da poi, Restricted claims: da poi, Restricted claims: da poi, Dropping the prenex, Dropping the prenex, Variables with generalized quantifiers, Variables with generalized quantifiers, Grouping of quantifiers, The problem of “any”, bridi negation and logical connectives, bridi negation and logical connectives, bridi negation and logical connectives, Using naku outside a prenex, Using naku outside a prenex, selbri variables, A few notes on variables, A few notes on variables, A few notes on variables, A few notes on variables, A few notes on variables, A few notes on variables, Subscripts: XI
da'a: Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers, Miscellany
da'e: Pro-sumti summary, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
da'i: Discursives, Discursives
da'inai: Discursives
da'o: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling, Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling, Paragraphs: NIhO, List of cmavo interactions
da'u: Pro-sumti summary
dadgreku: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
dadjo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
dadysli: Some types of asymmetrical tanru, Some types of asymmetrical tanru
dai: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours, Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours, Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours, Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
dakfu: lujvo with more than two parts.
dalmikce: Ordering lujvo places.
danlu: Ordering lujvo places.
de: Pro-sumti summary, bridi negation, Existential claims, prenexes, and variables, Existential claims, prenexes, and variables, Universal claims, Restricted claims: da poi, Dropping the prenex, Variables with generalized quantifiers, Grouping of quantifiers, Using naku outside a prenex, Using naku outside a prenex, selbri variables, A few notes on variables
de'a: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
de'e: Pro-sumti summary, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
de'i: Modal relative phrases; Comparison
de'u: Pro-sumti summary
decti: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
dei: Pro-sumti summary, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
dejni: Multiple compound bridi, Multiple compound bridi
dekto: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
delno: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
denci: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
denpa: The universal bu, The universal bu
di: cmavo, Pro-sumti summary, bridi negation, Existential claims, prenexes, and variables, Restricted claims: da poi, Dropping the prenex, Variables with generalized quantifiers, selbri variables, A few notes on variables
di'a: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
di'e: Pro-sumti summary, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series, More about non-logical connectives
di'i: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
di'inai: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
di'u: The sumti di'u and la'e di'u, Pro-sumti summary, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
dinju: fu'ivla
djedi: lujvo with more than two parts., lujvo with more than two parts.
djica: Eliding SE rafsi from tertau, Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU, Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU
djine: Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters
djuno: Predication/sentence abstraction, Predication/sentence abstraction, Indirect questions
do: Vocatives and commands, Vocatives and commands, Vocatives and commands, Questions, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Quantified descriptions, sumti-based descriptions, Pro-sumti summary, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, lujvo based on pro-sumti, lujvo based on pro-sumti, Tagging places: FA, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Propositional attitude indicators, Vocative scales, Compound bridi, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
do'a: Discursives
do'anai: Discursives
do'e: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, Modal tags: BAI, CV'V cmavo of selma'o BAI with irregular forms, Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
do'i: Pro-sumti summary, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
do'o: Pro-sumti summary, Pro-sumti summary, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
do'u: The syntax of vocative phrases, Vocative scales
doi: Vocatives and commands, Vocatives and commands, The syntax of vocative phrases, The syntax of vocative phrases, The syntax of vocative phrases, sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo, KOhA cmavo by series, Vocative scales, Vocative scales, Vocative scales, Vocative scales, Questions and answers
donma'o: lujvo based on pro-sumti
donta'a: lujvo based on pro-sumti
dotco: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
du: Other kinds of simple selbri, selbri based on sumti: me, The identity predicate: du, The identity predicate: du, The identity predicate: du, The identity predicate: du, The identity predicate: du, The identity predicate: du, lujvo based on pro-sumti, Space interval modifiers: FEhE, Simple infix expressions and equations, Simple infix expressions and equations, Simple infix expressions and equations, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, mekso selma'o summary
du'e: Attitudinal modifiers, Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers, Special mekso selbri
du'i: Modal relative phrases; Comparison
du'u: Predication/sentence abstraction, Predication/sentence abstraction, Predication/sentence abstraction, Indirect questions
dubjavmau: Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
dubjavme'a: Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
dunda: Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Compound bridi, Multiple compound bridi
dunli: The identity predicate: du, The identity predicate: du, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
dy: Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
dy.: A to Z in Lojban, plus one
dzipo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
dzukla: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Termset logical connection


fa: Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA
fa'a: List of spatial directions and direction-like relations, List of spatial directions and direction-like relations
fa'o: Vocative scales, The universal bu, No more to say: FAhO, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions
fa'u: Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Questions and answers
fadni: Masses and sets, Masses and sets, Masses and sets
fagri: Why have lujvo?
fagyfesti: Why have lujvo?, Why have lujvo?
fai: Tagging places: FA, Modal conversion: JAI, Modal conversion: JAI, Modal conversion: JAI, Conversion of sumtcita: JAI, Conversion of sumtcita: JAI, Abstract lujvo, Abstract lujvo, Abstract lujvo
fasnu: Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
fau: Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
fe: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA
fe'a: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
fe'e: Space interval modifiers: FEhE, Space interval modifiers: FEhE, Space interval modifiers: FEhE, Space interval modifiers: FEhE, Tenses as sumtcita
fe'o: Vocative scales, Vocative scales
fe'u: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal selbri
femti: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
festi: Why have lujvo?, Why have lujvo?
fi: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Compound bridi
fi'a: Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Modal conversion: JAI, Questions and answers
fi'e: Modal relative phrases; Comparison
fi'i: Vocative scales, Vocative scales, Vocative scales
fi'o: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal selbri, Modal negation, Sticky modals
fi'u: Signs and numerical punctuation, Miscellany
filso: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
finti: Modal relative phrases; Comparison
firgai: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
flalu: Eliding SE rafsi from seltau
fo: cmavo, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Special mekso selbri
fo'a: Pro-sumti summary, lujvo based on pro-sumti, KOhA cmavo by series
fo'e: Pro-sumti summary, KOhA cmavo by series
fo'i: Pro-sumti summary, KOhA cmavo by series
fo'o: Pro-sumti summary
fo'u: Pro-sumti summary
foi: Accent marks and compound lerfu words, Accent marks and compound lerfu words, Accent marks and compound lerfu words, What about Chinese characters?, List of all auxiliary lerfu-word cmavo
fraso: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
friko: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
frinu: Miscellany, Miscellany
fu: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA
fu'a: Reverse Polish notation
fu'e: Attitude scope markers: FUhE/FUhO, Attitude scope markers: FUhE/FUhO, List of cmavo interactions
fu'i: Attitudinal modifiers
fu'ivla: Lojban grammatical terms
fu'o: Attitude scope markers: FUhE/FUhO, Attitude scope markers: FUhE/FUhO, List of cmavo interactions
fy: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Erasure: SI, SA, SU
fy.: A to Z in Lojban, plus one, Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Miscellany, Miscellany


ga: Forethought bridi connection, Forethought bridi connection, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
ga'e: Upper and lower cases, Upper and lower cases
ga'i: Attitudinal modifiers, Attitudinal modifiers, Attitudinal modifiers, Attitudinal modifiers, Attitudinal modifiers, Attitudinal modifiers
ga'icu'i: Attitudinal modifiers
ga'inai: Attitudinal modifiers
ga'o: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
gadri: The five kinds of simple sumti
galfi: Implicit-abstraction lujvo
galtu: Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters, Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters, Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters
ganai: Forethought bridi connection, Forethought bridi connection
ganlo: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
gapru: Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters, Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters
gasnu: Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Notes on gismu place structures
gau: Modal sentence connection: the causals
ge: lujvo-making examples, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
ge'a: Infix operators revisited, Infix operators revisited, Vectors and matrices, Reverse Polish notation, Reverse Polish notation
ge'e: Compound indicators, Compound indicators, Compound indicators, Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours, Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators
ge'i: Truth questions and connective questions, Questions and answers
ge'o: Alien alphabets
ge'u: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Relative phrases, Relative phrases
gei: Infix operators revisited, Infix operators revisited, Infix operators revisited, Infix operators revisited, Infix operators revisited, Reverse Polish notation
gekmau: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
gento: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
gerku: Some words used to indicate selbri relations, lujvo-making examples, lujvo-making examples, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Relative clauses and descriptors, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of lujvo, The meaning of lujvo, The meaning of lujvo, The meaning of lujvo, Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo, Dependent places, Anomalous lujvo, Anomalous lujvo, Anomalous lujvo
gerzda: lujvo-making examples, lujvo-making examples, lujvo-making examples, The meaning of lujvo, The meaning of lujvo, The meaning of lujvo, Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo, Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo, Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo, Dependent places, Dependent places, Dependent places, Ordering lujvo places., Eliding SE rafsi from tertau, Eliding SE rafsi from tertau
gi: Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Scalar negation of selbri, Other modal connections, Other modal connections, Tense relations between sentences, Tense relations between sentences, Forethought bridi connection, Forethought bridi connection, Forethought bridi connection, Forethought bridi connection, Forethought bridi connection, Forethought bridi connection, Forethought bridi connection, Forethought bridi connection, Truth questions and connective questions, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives, Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
gi'a: Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
gi'e: Ordering lujvo places., The six types of logical connectives, Compound bridi, Truth questions and connective questions, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
gi'i: Questions and answers
gi'o: Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
gi'u: Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
gigdo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
girzu: lujvo-making examples, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
gismu: The concept of the bridi, Lojban grammatical terms, gismu, gismu, The gismu creation algorithm
gleki: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
glico: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI
go: Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
go'a: Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
go'e: Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
go'i: Examples of brivla, Questions, Questions, Other kinds of simple selbri, Other kinds of simple selbri, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Discursives, Truth questions and connective questions, Truth questions and connective questions, Truth questions and connective questions, Truth questions and connective questions, Affirmations
go'o: Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
go'u: Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
gocti: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
goi: Pro-sumti summary, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling, lerfu words as pro-sumti, Subscripts: XI
gotro: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
gu: cmavo, The six types of logical connectives, Forethought bridi connection, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
gu'a: Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
gu'e: Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Scalar negation of selbri, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
gu'i: Truth questions and connective questions, Questions and answers
gu'o: Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
gu'u: Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
gy: Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, Erasure: SI, SA, SU
gy.: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, A to Z in Lojban, plus one, Erasure: SI, SA, SU


ja: Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Some types of symmetrical tanru, Logical connection of bridi, Forethought bridi connection, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, bridi negation and logical connectives, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
ja'a: Affirmations, Affirmations, Questions and answers, Subscripts: XI, Subscripts: XI
ja'e: Modal sentence connection: the causals
ja'o: Evidentials, Evidentials, Evidentials, Evidentials
jai: Conversion of simple selbri, Modal conversion: JAI, Modal conversion: JAI, Modal conversion: JAI, Conversion of sumtcita: JAI, Lojban sumti raising, Lojban sumti raising, Lojban sumti raising, Lojban sumti raising, Abstract lujvo, Abstract lujvo, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI
jbena: Notes on gismu place structures, Notes on gismu place structures
jdaselsku: Ordering lujvo places., Anomalous lujvo, Anomalous lujvo, Anomalous lujvo, Anomalous lujvo, Anomalous lujvo
jdika: Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives
je: Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Some types of symmetrical tanru, “Pretty little girls' school”: forty ways to say it, “Pretty little girls' school”: forty ways to say it, “Pretty little girls' school”: forty ways to say it, “Pretty little girls' school”: forty ways to say it, “Pretty little girls' school”: forty ways to say it, Mixed modal connection, Logical and non-logical connection of modals, Tense questions: cu'e, Why have lujvo?, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Truth questions and connective questions, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, bridi negation and logical connectives
je'a: Affirmations, Affirmations
je'e: Vocative scales, Vocative scales, Vocative scales, Vocative scales, Vocative scales
je'enai: Vocative scales, Vocative scales, Negation of minor grammatical constructs
je'i: Questions and answers
je'o: Alien alphabets
je'u: Discursives, Discursives, Discursives
je'unai: Discursives, Discursives, Discursives, Discursives
jegvo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
jei: Truth-value abstraction: jei, Truth-value abstraction: jei, Truth-value abstraction: jei, Truth-value abstraction: jei, Truth-value abstraction: jei, Truth-value abstraction: jei, Truth-value abstraction: jei, Predication/sentence abstraction, Subscripts: XI
jelca: Miscellaneous indicators
jenai: Tense questions: cu'e
jerxo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
ji: Questions and answers
ji'a: Discursives
ji'i: Approximation and inexact numbers, Approximation and inexact numbers, Approximation and inexact numbers, Approximation and inexact numbers
ji'u: Metalinguistic negation forms
jibni: Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
jinvi: Abstractor connection and connection within abstractions
jitro: Anomalous lujvo
jo: Logical connection within tanru, “Pretty little girls' school”: forty ways to say it, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
jo'a: Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators, Metalinguistic negation forms, Metalinguistic negation forms
jo'e: Non-logical connectives, More about non-logical connectives
jo'i: Vectors and matrices, Using Lojban resources within mekso
jo'o: Alien alphabets
jo'u: Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, More about non-logical connectives
joi: Logical connection within tanru, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, More about non-logical connectives, More about non-logical connectives, More about non-logical connectives, The universal bu
jordo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
ju: Logical connection within tanru, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
ju'a: Evidentials, Evidentials
ju'o: Discursives
ju'u: Non-decimal and compound bases, Non-decimal and compound bases, Non-decimal and compound bases
jundi: Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo, Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo
jungo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
jy: Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet
jy.: A to Z in Lojban, plus one


ka: cmevla, Abstraction focus pro-sumti: ce'u, Property abstractions, Property abstractions, Property abstractions, Abstract lujvo
ka'a: Modal tags: BAI, Modal tags: BAI
ka'e: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
ka'o: Special numbers
ka'u: Evidentials, Evidentials
kadno: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
kai: Metalinguistic negation forms
kalri: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
kalselvi'i: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
kambla: Abstract lujvo
kanji: What about Chinese characters?
kanla: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Eliding SE rafsi from tertau
kanro: Some words used to indicate selbri relations
karce: Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo
karcykla: Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo, Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo
kau: Indirect questions, Indirect questions, Indirect questions, Indirect questions, Indirect questions
ke: lujvo-making examples, lujvo-making examples, Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Inversion of tanru: co, Conversion of simple selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, “Pretty little girls' school”: forty ways to say it, Conversion: SE, Mixed modal connection, Mixed modal connection, Tensed logical connectives, Why have lujvo?, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Multiple compound bridi, Multiple compound bridi, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, More about non-logical connectives, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, Truth questions, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Sentences: I, Attitude scope markers: FUhE/FUhO
ke'a: Pro-sumti summary, Relativized pro-sumti: ke'a, Relativized pro-sumti: ke'a, Relativized pro-sumti: ke'a, Relativized pro-sumti: ke'a, Relativized pro-sumti: ke'a, Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling, What are you pointing at?, What are you pointing at?, What are you pointing at?, What are you pointing at?, What are you pointing at?, What are you pointing at?, What are you pointing at?, Relative clauses within relative clauses, Relative clauses within relative clauses, Relative clauses within relative clauses, Relative clauses within relative clauses
ke'e: Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Complex tanru with ke and ke'e, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, Conversion of simple selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, “Pretty little girls' school”: forty ways to say it, Conversion: SE, Mixed modal connection, Mixed modal connection, Tensed logical connectives, Why have lujvo?, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Multiple compound bridi, Multiple compound bridi, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, Truth questions, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Sentences: I
ke'i: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
ke'o: Vocative scales
ke'u: Discursives, Discursives, Discursives, Discursives
ke'unai: Discursives, Discursives, Discursives
kei: Other kinds of simple selbri, The syntax of abstraction, The syntax of abstraction, The syntax of abstraction, The syntax of abstraction, The syntax of abstraction, The syntax of abstraction, Minor abstraction types, Abstract lujvo, Abstract lujvo
kelvo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
ketco: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
ki: Sticky modals, Sticky modals, Sticky modals, Sticky and multiple tenses: KI, Sticky and multiple tenses: KI, Sticky and multiple tenses: KI, Sticky and multiple tenses: KI, Sticky and multiple tenses: KI, Sticky and multiple tenses: KI, Story time, Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA, Summary of tense selma'o, Summary of tense selma'o
ki'a: cmavo, Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators, Vocative scales, Metalinguistic negation forms
ki'o: Signs and numerical punctuation, Signs and numerical punctuation, Signs and numerical punctuation
ki'u: Modal sentence connection: the causals, Mixed modal connection
kilto: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
kisto: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
klama: Some words used to indicate selbri relations, tanru, Conversion of simple selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Introductory, Introductory, Introductory, Standard bridi form: cu, Standard bridi form: cu, Standard bridi form: cu, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Conversion: SE, Conversion: SE, Conversion: SE, Modal tags: BAI, Modal tags: BAI, Event abstraction, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, Dependent places, Dependent places, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Abstract lujvo, Notes on gismu place structures, Termset logical connection, Termset logical connection, Termset logical connection, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, The problem of “any”, Subscripts: XI, Subscripts: XI
klesi: lujvo-making examples
ko: Vocatives and commands, Vocatives and commands, Vocatives and commands, Questions, The five kinds of simple sumti, Quantified sumti, Pro-sumti summary, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Truth questions and connective questions
ko'a: Pro-sumti summary, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, The identity predicate: du, The identity predicate: du, The identity predicate: du, Relative clauses within relative clauses, lerfu words as pro-sumti
ko'e: Pro-sumti summary, Relative clauses within relative clauses, lerfu words as pro-sumti
ko'i: Pro-sumti summary
ko'o: Pro-sumti summary
ko'u: Pro-sumti summary
krasi: Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
krecau: selbri and tanru negation
krici: Abstractor connection and connection within abstractions
krinu: Modal sentence connection: the causals
ku: Description sumti, Description sumti, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, selbri based on sumti: me, The three basic description types, The three basic description types, The three basic description types, Indefinite descriptions, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Possessive sumti, Possessive sumti, Modal selbri, Modal selbri, Modal selbri, Introductory, Introductory, Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA, Tenses as sumtcita, Tenses as sumtcita, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Questions and answers
ku'a: Non-logical connectives, More about non-logical connectives
ku'e: Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
ku'i: Discursives, Truth questions and connective questions
ku'o: What are you pointing at?, What are you pointing at?, What are you pointing at?, What are you pointing at?, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Possessive sumti, Possessive sumti, Restricted claims: da poi
kuarka: fu'ivla
kuldi'u: Dependent places
kurji: Some words used to indicate selbri relations
ky: Syllabication And Stress, Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
ky.: A to Z in Lojban, plus one


la: Words that can act as sumti, selbri based on sumti: me, The five kinds of simple sumti, The three basic description types, The three basic description types, The three basic description types, Individuals and masses, Individuals and masses, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Lojban names, Lojban names, Lojban names, Lojban names, Relative clauses and descriptors, Vocative scales, Vocative scales, Acronyms, Contrastive emphasis: BAhE, Erasure: SI, SA, SU
la'e: sumti qualifiers, sumti qualifiers, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series, Relative clauses and complex sumti: vu'o, Relative clauses and complex sumti: vu'o, References to lerfu, Miscellany, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI
la'edi'u: The sumti di'u and la'e di'u, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
la'i: Masses and sets, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Lojban names
la'o: fu'ivla, cmevla, The universal bu, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI
la'u: Explicit magnitudes, Metalinguistic negation forms
ladru: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
lai: Individuals and masses, Individuals and masses, Individuals and masses, Individuals and masses, Masses and sets, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Lojban names, Lojban names
lanme: Anomalous lujvo, Anomalous lujvo
lantro: Anomalous lujvo, Anomalous lujvo
latmo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
lau: Punctuation marks, Punctuation marks, Punctuation marks, Punctuation marks, Punctuation marks
le: Description sumti, Possession, cmavo, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, The five kinds of simple sumti, The five kinds of simple sumti, The three basic description types, The three basic description types, The three basic description types, The three basic description types, The three basic description types, The three basic description types, The three basic description types, Individuals and masses, Individuals and masses, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, The syntax of vocative phrases, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Non-veridical relative clauses: voi, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, The syntax of abstraction, Event abstraction, Event abstraction, Vocative scales, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, Metalinguistic negation forms, What's wrong with this picture?, Grouping of quantifiers, Simple infix expressions and equations, Erasure: SI, SA, SU
le'a: Expressing scales in selbri negation, Metalinguistic negation forms
le'e: Descriptors for typical objects, Descriptors for typical objects, Descriptors for typical objects, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions
le'i: Masses and sets, Descriptors for typical objects, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions
le'o: Attitudinal modifiers, Attitudinal modifiers
le'u: Quotation summary, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions
lebna: Compound bridi, Multiple compound bridi
lei: Individuals and masses, Individuals and masses, Masses and sets, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions
lerfu: fu'ivla, What's a letteral, anyway?, What's a letteral, anyway?
lervla: What's a letteral, anyway?
li: The five kinds of simple sumti, The five kinds of simple sumti, Number summary, Number summary, Number summary, Simple infix expressions and equations, Simple infix expressions and equations, Simple infix expressions and equations, Simple infix expressions and equations, Simple infix expressions and equations, Special mekso selbri, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Other uses of mekso, Other uses of mekso, Other uses of mekso, Other uses of mekso, mekso selma'o summary
li'i: Minor abstraction types, Minor abstraction types, Minor abstraction types
li'o: Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators
li'u: The five kinds of simple sumti, Quotation summary, References to lerfu, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, No more to say: FAhO
libjo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
lijda: Anomalous lujvo, Anomalous lujvo
lijgri: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
liste: Non-logical connectives
litki: Implicit-abstraction lujvo
litru: Dependent places, Dependent places
lo: The three basic description types, The three basic description types, The three basic description types, The three basic description types, The three basic description types, Individuals and masses, Masses and sets, Masses and sets, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Indefinite descriptions, Indefinite descriptions, Indefinite descriptions, Pro-sumti summary, Quotation summary, Number summary, Non-veridical relative clauses: voi, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, Metalinguistic negation forms, Grouping of quantifiers, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
lo'a: Alien alphabets, Alien alphabets
lo'e: Descriptors for typical objects, Descriptors for typical objects, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions
lo'i: Masses and sets, Masses and sets, Masses and sets, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Special mekso selbri
lo'o: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
lo'u: The five kinds of simple sumti, Quotation summary, The universal bu, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions
logji: Lojban names
loi: Individuals and masses, Individuals and masses, Individuals and masses, Individuals and masses, Individuals and masses, Masses and sets, Masses and sets, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Non-veridical relative clauses: voi
lojban.: brivla
lojbangirz: lujvo-making examples
lojbaugri: lujvo-making examples
lojbo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu, Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
lu: The five kinds of simple sumti, The five kinds of simple sumti, Quotation summary, References to lerfu, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, No more to say: FAhO
lu'a: Quantified descriptions, sumti qualifiers
lu'e: sumti qualifiers, Predication/sentence abstraction, Predication/sentence abstraction, Miscellany, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI
lu'i: sumti qualifiers
lu'o: sumti qualifiers
lu'u: sumti qualifiers, Relative clauses and complex sumti: vu'o, Lojban sumti raising
lubno: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
lujvo: Lojban grammatical terms, lujvo, Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu, Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
ly: Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
ly.: Some simple Lojban bridi, A to Z in Lojban, plus one


ma: Questions, Questions, Questions, Questions, Questions, Questions, Pro-sumti summary, sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo, sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo, sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo, Tense questions: cu'e, Indirect questions, Indirect questions, Indirect questions, Indirect questions, Indirect questions, Questions and answers, Questions and answers, Questions and answers, Questions and answers
ma'a: Pro-sumti summary, Pro-sumti summary, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
ma'i: Movement in space: MOhI, Special mekso selbri
ma'o: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings, Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Vectors and matrices, Explicit operator precedence, Miscellany, Miscellany
ma'u: Signs and numerical punctuation, Signs and numerical punctuation, Simple infix expressions and equations, Indefinite numbers, Approximation and inexact numbers
mabla: Attitudinal modifiers
mai: Other uses of mekso, Other uses of mekso, Utterance ordinals: MAI, Utterance ordinals: MAI, Utterance ordinals: MAI
mamta: rafsi, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
matne: Individuals and masses
mau: Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison
me: selbri based on sumti: me, selbri based on sumti: me, selbri based on sumti: me, selbri based on sumti: me, selbri based on sumti: me, selbri based on sumti: me, selbri based on sumti: me, selbri based on sumti: me, Acronyms, Special mekso selbri, Special mekso selbri, Special mekso selbri, Special mekso selbri
me'a: Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison
me'i: Approximation and inexact numbers
me'o: Number summary, Number summary, The universal bu, References to lerfu, References to lerfu, References to lerfu, Other uses of mekso, Other uses of mekso, Other uses of mekso, mekso selma'o summary
me'u: selbri based on sumti: me, selbri based on sumti: me, selbri based on sumti: me, selbri based on sumti: me, selbri based on sumti: me, selbri based on sumti: me, selbri based on sumti: me, Special mekso selbri, Special mekso selbri
megdo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
mei: Non-logical connectives, Special mekso selbri, Miscellany, mekso selma'o summary
mekso: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
melbi: Some words used to indicate selbri relations, Complex tanru grouping, Complex tanru grouping
meljo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
merko: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu, Acronyms
mexno: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
mi: Description sumti, Questions, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Inversion of tanru: co, The five kinds of simple sumti, The five kinds of simple sumti, The five kinds of simple sumti, The five kinds of simple sumti, Quantified sumti, Pro-sumti summary, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series, Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling, Incidental relative clauses, Possessive sumti, Standard bridi form: cu, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Tagging places: FA, Conversion: SE, Conversion: SE, Modal conversion: JAI, Attitudinal modifiers, Attitudinal modifiers, Vocative scales, Multiple compound bridi, Termset logical connection, selbri and tanru negation, Special mekso selbri
mi'a: Pro-sumti summary, Pro-sumti summary, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
mi'e: Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Vocative scales, Vocative scales, Vocative scales, Vocative scales, Vocative scales, Vocative scales
mi'enai: Vocative scales
mi'i: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
mi'o: cmavo, Quantified sumti, Pro-sumti summary, Pro-sumti summary, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series, Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
mi'u: Discursives
midju: Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters
mikce: Ordering lujvo places.
mikri: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
milti: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
minde: Anomalous lujvo
misro: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
mlatu: Logical connection within tanru
mleca: Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
mo: Questions, Questions, Questions, Questions, Questions, Questions, sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo, sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo, sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo, sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo, selbri and tanru negation, Other uses of mekso, Questions and answers, Questions and answers
mo'a: Attitudinal modifiers, Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers, Special mekso selbri
mo'e: Amount abstractions, Using Lojban resources within mekso, Four score and seven: a mekso problem
mo'i: Movement in space: MOhI, Movement in space: MOhI, Movement in space: MOhI, Movement in space: MOhI, List of spatial directions and direction-like relations, List of spatial directions and direction-like relations
mo'o: Other uses of mekso, Other uses of mekso, Other uses of mekso, Other uses of mekso, Utterance ordinals: MAI, Utterance ordinals: MAI, Utterance ordinals: MAI, Utterance ordinals: MAI, Utterance ordinals: MAI
mo'u: Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
moi: Special mekso selbri, Special mekso selbri, Special mekso selbri, Miscellany, mekso selma'o summary
mojysu'a: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
mokca: Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters, Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters
molro: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
morko: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
mrostu: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
mu: Quantified sumti, Relative clauses and descriptors, Number questions, Reverse Polish notation
mu'e: Types of event abstractions, Types of event abstractions, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
mu'i: Modal sentence connection: the causals, Tenses versus modals
mu'onai: Vocative scales
mukti: Modal sentence connection: the causals, Tenses versus modals, Tenses versus modals, Tenses versus modals
mulgri: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
muslo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
my: Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
my.: A to Z in Lojban, plus one


na: Questions, Tenses and bridi negation, Tenses and bridi negation, Tenses and bridi negation, Tenses and bridi negation, The six types of logical connectives, Logical connection of bridi, Logical connection of bridi, Logical connection of bridi, Logical connection of bridi, Forethought bridi connection, sumti connection, sumti connection, sumti connection, Compound bridi, Multiple compound bridi, Logical connection within tanru, Truth questions and connective questions, Truth questions and connective questions, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives, Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives, Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives, bridi negation, bridi negation, bridi negation, bridi negation, bridi negation, bridi negation, bridi negation, bridi negation, bridi negation, bridi negation, selbri and tanru negation, Truth questions, Truth questions, Affirmations, Affirmations, Affirmations, Affirmations, Metalinguistic negation forms, Negation boundaries, Negation boundaries, Negation boundaries, bridi negation and logical connectives, bridi negation and logical connectives, bridi negation and logical connectives, bridi negation and logical connectives, bridi negation and logical connectives, Using naku outside a prenex, Using naku outside a prenex, Using naku outside a prenex, Using naku outside a prenex, Using naku outside a prenex, Using naku outside a prenex, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, Questions and answers, Subscripts: XI
na'a: Alien alphabets
na'e: Scalar negation of selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Scalar negation of selbri, Modal negation, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, selbri and tanru negation, Expressing scales in selbri negation, Expressing scales in selbri negation, Expressing scales in selbri negation, Expressing scales in selbri negation, Truth questions, Affirmations, Metalinguistic negation forms
na'i: Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators, Metalinguistic negation forms, Metalinguistic negation forms, Metalinguistic negation forms, Metalinguistic negation forms, Metalinguistic negation forms, Metalinguistic negation forms, Metalinguistic negation forms, Metalinguistic negation forms, Metalinguistic negation forms, Metalinguistic negation forms, Metalinguistic negation forms, Metalinguistic negation forms
na'o: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
na'u: Using Lojban resources within mekso, Using Lojban resources within mekso, Other uses of mekso, Other uses of mekso, Other uses of mekso, Explicit operator precedence
na'ujbi: Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
nai: Pure emotion indicators, Attitudes as scales, Attitudes as scales, Attitudes as scales, Emotional categories, Compound indicators, Compound indicators, Compound indicators, Compound indicators, Compound indicators, Compound indicators, Compound indicators, Compound indicators, Compound indicators, Compound indicators, Vocative scales, Vocative scales, The six types of logical connectives, Logical connection of bridi, Forethought bridi connection, Forethought bridi connection, Forethought bridi connection, Forethought bridi connection, Forethought bridi connection, Forethought bridi connection, Compound bridi, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, More about non-logical connectives, More about non-logical connectives, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives, Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives, Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives, Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives, Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives, Negation of minor grammatical constructs, Negation of minor grammatical constructs, Negation of minor grammatical constructs, Negation of minor grammatical constructs, Negation of minor grammatical constructs, Negation of minor grammatical constructs, Negation of minor grammatical constructs, Negation of minor grammatical constructs, Negation of minor grammatical constructs, bridi negation and logical connectives, bridi negation and logical connectives, bridi negation and logical connectives, bridi negation and logical connectives, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Questions and answers, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions
naja: Logical connection within tanru, “Pretty little girls' school”: forty ways to say it
nakykemcinctu: lujvo-making examples, lujvo-making examples
namcu: Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
nanmu: Relative clauses and complex sumti: vu'o, Relative clauses and complex sumti: vu'o, Modal tags: BAI, Logical connection within tanru, selbri variables
nanvi: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
nau: Tenses in subordinate bridi, Tenses in subordinate bridi, Tenses in subordinate bridi, Tenses in subordinate bridi
ne: Relative phrases, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison
nei: Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
ni: Amount abstractions, Amount abstractions, Truth-value abstraction: jei, Truth-value abstraction: jei, Truth-value abstraction: jei, Using Lojban resources within mekso, Using Lojban resources within mekso, A Catalogue Of selma'o
ni'e: Using Lojban resources within mekso, Using Lojban resources within mekso, Using Lojban resources within mekso, Explicit operator precedence
ni'i: Modal sentence connection: the causals
ni'o: The basic structure of longer utterances, The basic structure of longer utterances, The basic structure of longer utterances, The basic structure of longer utterances, Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Subscripts: XI, Attitude scope markers: FUhE/FUhO
ni'u: Signs and numerical punctuation, Signs and numerical punctuation, Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Indefinite numbers, Approximation and inexact numbers
nibli: Modal sentence connection: the causals
nimre: Simple tanru
ninmu: Logical connection within tanru
nitcu: The problem of “any”
nixli: Three-part tanru grouping with bo, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
no: Syllabication And Stress, IPA For English Speakers, Pro-sumti summary, Pro-sumti summary, Truth questions and connective questions, Negation boundaries, Negation boundaries, Negation boundaries, Lojban numbers, Indefinite numbers, Non-decimal and compound bases
no'a: Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
no'e: Expressing scales in selbri negation, Expressing scales in selbri negation, Expressing scales in selbri negation
no'i: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Paragraphs: NIhO, Subscripts: XI, Attitude scope markers: FUhE/FUhO
no'o: Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers
no'u: Relative phrases, Relative phrases
nobli: cmevla
noda: Negation boundaries
noi: What are you pointing at?, Incidental relative clauses, Incidental relative clauses, Relative phrases, Multiple relative clauses: zi'e, Relative clauses and descriptors, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison
nolraitru: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
nu: The syntax of abstraction, Event abstraction, Event abstraction, Event abstraction, Event abstraction, Types of event abstractions, Types of event abstractions, Property abstractions, Why have lujvo?, Abstract lujvo, Abstract lujvo, Abstract lujvo, Abstract lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Subscripts: XI
nu'a: Other kinds of simple selbri, Other uses of mekso, Other uses of mekso, Other uses of mekso, Other uses of mekso
nu'e: Vocative scales
nu'i: Other modal connections, Explicit magnitudes, Termset logical connection, Termset logical connection, Termset logical connection, Grouping of quantifiers
nu'o: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA, Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
nu'u: Other modal connections, Explicit magnitudes, Termset logical connection, Termset logical connection, Grouping of quantifiers, Grouping of quantifiers
nuncti: Some types of symmetrical tanru, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo
nunctu: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
nunkla: Abstract lujvo, Subscripts: XI, Subscripts: XI
ny: Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet, Simple infix expressions and equations, Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions)
ny.: A to Z in Lojban, plus one, Mathematical uses of lerfu strings


pa: cmevla, Quantified sumti, Variables with generalized quantifiers, Signs and numerical punctuation, Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers, Approximation and inexact numbers, Special mekso selbri, Special mekso selbri
pa'e: Discursives
pa'enai: Discursives
pacru'i: Some types of symmetrical tanru
pagbu: Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
pai: Special numbers
pamoi: Scalar negation of selbri, Special mekso selbri
paso: Non-decimal and compound bases
patyta'a: rafsi
pau: Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators, Questions and answers
paunai: Miscellaneous indicators
pe: Relative phrases, Relative phrases, Possessive sumti, Possessive sumti, Possessive sumti, Modal relative phrases; Comparison
pe'a: Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators
pe'e: Termset logical connection, Termset logical connection, Logical connection within tanru
pe'i: Indicators, Evidentials, Evidentials
pe'o: Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions)
pei: cmavo, Attitudes as scales, Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours, Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours, Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours, Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours, Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours, Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours, Questions and answers
pelnimre: Simple tanru
pelxu: Simple tanru
petso: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
pi: Quantified descriptions, Signs and numerical punctuation, Signs and numerical punctuation, Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers, Approximation and inexact numbers, Non-decimal and compound bases, Non-decimal and compound bases, Miscellany
pi'a: Vectors and matrices, Vectors and matrices, Vectors and matrices
pi'e: Non-decimal and compound bases, Non-decimal and compound bases, Non-decimal and compound bases, Non-decimal and compound bases, Non-decimal and compound bases, Non-decimal and compound bases
pi'i: Simple infix expressions and equations, Simple infix expressions and equations, Reverse Polish notation, Reverse Polish notation
pi'o: Modal tags: BAI, Modal tags: BAI
pi'u: Sub-events, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, More about non-logical connectives
picti: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
pilno: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal tags: BAI, Modal tags: BAI, Modal tags: BAI, Modal tags: BAI, Anomalous lujvo, Anomalous lujvo
piro: Quantified sumti, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Indefinite numbers, Approximation and inexact numbers
piso'a: Indefinite numbers
piso'u: Indefinite numbers
pisu'o: Quantified sumti, Quantified descriptions, Pro-sumti summary, Approximation and inexact numbers, Approximation and inexact numbers
pluka: Some words used to indicate selbri relations
pluta: Conversion: SE
po: Relative phrases, Relative phrases, Relative phrases
po'e: Relative phrases, Relative phrases
po'o: Discursives, Discursives
po'u: Relative phrases, Relative phrases, Relative phrases, Relative phrases, Relative phrases
poi: What are you pointing at?, What are you pointing at?, What are you pointing at?, Incidental relative clauses, Incidental relative clauses, Incidental relative clauses, Multiple relative clauses: zi'e, Non-veridical relative clauses: voi, Non-veridical relative clauses: voi, Non-veridical relative clauses: voi, Relative clauses and descriptors, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Metalinguistic negation forms, Restricted claims: da poi, Restricted claims: da poi, Dropping the prenex, Dropping the prenex
polno: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
ponjo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
ponse: Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU
porto: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
prenu: Simple tanru, Simple tanru, Individuals and masses, Simple infix expressions and equations
pritu: Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters
pu: Tenses, Tenses and bridi negation, Introductory, Introductory, Temporal tenses: PU and ZI, Vague intervals and non-specific tenses, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Tenses as sumtcita, Tenses as sumtcita, Sticky and multiple tenses: KI, Sticky and multiple tenses: KI, Sticky and multiple tenses: KI, Sticky and multiple tenses: KI, Sticky and multiple tenses: KI, Tenses in subordinate bridi, Termset logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection
pu ge: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
pu'i: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA, Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
pu'o: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
pu'u: Types of event abstractions, Types of event abstractions, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
puba: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
purci: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
py: Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
py.: A to Z in Lojban, plus one


ra: sumti qualifiers, Pro-sumti summary, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
ra'a: Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
ra'e: Signs and numerical punctuation
ra'i: Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
ra'o: Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
ra'u: Discursives, Discursives, Discursives
ra'ucu'i: Discursives
ra'unai: Discursives
radno: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
rafsi: Lojban grammatical terms, gismu, lujvo
rakso: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
ralju: cmevla
rau: Attitudinal modifiers, Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers, Special mekso selbri
re: cmavo, cmavo, cmavo, Quantified sumti, Quantified sumti, Quantified sumti, Quantified sumti, sumti-based descriptions, Relative clauses and descriptors, Other modal connections, Non-logical connectives, Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters, Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Approximation and inexact numbers, Reverse Polish notation, Reverse Polish notation
re'i: Vocative scales
re'inai: Vocative scales
re'u: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
reroi: Sub-events
ri: sumti qualifiers, sumti qualifiers, sumti qualifiers, sumti qualifiers, Pro-sumti summary, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Relativized pro-sumti: ke'a, Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU
ri'a: Modal sentence connection: the causals, Modal sentence connection: the causals, Modal sentence connection: the causals, Modal negation
ri'e: Attitudinal modifiers, Attitudinal modifiers
ricfu: Compound bridi
rinka: Modal sentence connection: the causals, Modal sentence connection: the causals, Other modal connections, Lojban sumti raising, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Implicit-abstraction lujvo, Notes on gismu place structures, Notes on gismu place structures, Forethought bridi connection
risna: Miscellaneous indicators
ro: Quantified sumti, Quantified sumti, Quantified sumti, Quantified sumti, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, sumti-based descriptions, Pro-sumti summary, Pro-sumti summary, Pro-sumti summary, Pro-sumti summary, Pro-sumti summary, Relative clauses and descriptors, Relative clauses and descriptors, Universal claims, Universal claims, Universal claims, Dropping the prenex, Dropping the prenex, Dropping the prenex, Variables with generalized quantifiers, Variables with generalized quantifiers, Variables with generalized quantifiers, Grouping of quantifiers, Grouping of quantifiers, Grouping of quantifiers, Negation boundaries, bridi negation and logical connectives, lerfu words as pro-sumti, Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers, Approximation and inexact numbers, Miscellany
ro'anai: Emotional categories
ro'e: Emotional categories
ro'o: More about non-logical connectives
ro'u: Compound indicators
roi: Interval properties: TAhE and roi, Interval properties: TAhE and roi, Other uses of mekso
romai: Utterance ordinals: MAI
ropno: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
ru: Pro-sumti summary, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
ru'a: Indicators, Evidentials
ru'e: Attitudes as scales
ru'i: Interval properties: TAhE and roi, Interval properties: TAhE and roi
ru'inai: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
ru'o: Alien alphabets
ruble: Attitudes as scales
rusko: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
ry: Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
ry.: A to Z in Lojban, plus one


sa: The uses of indicators, The universal bu, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions
sa'a: Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators, Metalinguistic negation forms, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
sa'enai: Discursives
sa'i: Vectors and matrices, Vectors and matrices, Vectors and matrices
sa'unai: Discursives
sadjo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
sai: More about non-logical connectives
sakli: rafsi, rafsi
salci: rafsi
sanli: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
saske: fu'ivla
se: Varying the order of sumti, Varying the order of sumti, Description sumti, Orthography, Conversion of simple selbri, Conversion of simple selbri, Conversion: SE, Modal tags: BAI, Modal tags: BAI, Modal selbri, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents, Why have lujvo?, Eliding SE rafsi from tertau, Eliding SE rafsi from tertau, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, The six types of logical connectives, Logical connection of bridi, Logical connection of bridi, Logical connection of bridi, Logical connection of bridi, Forethought bridi connection, sumti connection, Compound bridi, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives, Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives, Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives, Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives, Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives, Dropping the prenex, Dropping the prenex, Using naku outside a prenex, Using naku outside a prenex, Using naku outside a prenex, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law, Special mekso selbri, Miscellany, Subscripts: XI
se te: Conversion: SE
se'a: Attitudinal modifiers
se'e: Computerized character codes, Computerized character codes, Computerized character codes
se'i: Attitudinal modifiers
se'o: Evidentials, Evidentials
se'u: Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series, Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
seba'i: Modal relative phrases; Comparison
sei: Miscellaneous indicators, Tentative conclusion, Explicit operator precedence, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
seja'e: Modal sentence connection: the causals
seka'a: Modal tags: BAI
selbri: The concept of the bridi, The concept of the bridi, Lojban grammatical terms, Introductory
selkla: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
selma'o: Lojban grammatical terms, cmavo
selsku: Anomalous lujvo
seltau: Simple tanru, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour
selti'i: Eliding SE rafsi from seltau, Eliding SE rafsi from seltau
selti'ifla: Eliding SE rafsi from seltau, Eliding SE rafsi from seltau
semau: Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison
seme'a: Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison
semto: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
sepi'o: Modal tags: BAI, Modal tags: BAI
seri'a: Modal sentence connection: the causals
sfofa: IPA For English Speakers
si: The uses of indicators, The universal bu, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions
si'a: Discursives
si'e: Special mekso selbri, mekso selma'o summary
si'o: Minor abstraction types, Minor abstraction types, Minor abstraction types
since: fu'ivla
sinso: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu, Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
sinxa: sumti qualifiers, sumti qualifiers
sirxo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
sisti: Metalinguistic negation forms
skari: Metalinguistic negation forms
skoto: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
slaka: The universal bu, The universal bu
slovo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
so'a: Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers, Miscellany
so'e: Indefinite numbers, Indefinite numbers, Miscellany
so'i: Indefinite numbers, Miscellany
so'imei: Some types of symmetrical tanru
so'o: Indefinite numbers, Miscellany
so'u: Indefinite numbers, Miscellany
softo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
soi: Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series, Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series, Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series, Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series, Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series, Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series, Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series
solri: cmevla
solxrula: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
sonci: Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo, Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo
spageti: fu'ivla
spano: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
sralo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
srana: Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
srito: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
stali: Some words used to indicate selbri relations
steci: Relative phrases
stero: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
stidi: Eliding SE rafsi from seltau
stura: Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
su: The uses of indicators, The universal bu, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions
su'a: Evidentials, Evidentials, Evidentials, Evidentials, Discursives
su'anai: Evidentials, Evidentials
su'e: Approximation and inexact numbers, Miscellany
su'i: Other kinds of simple selbri, Simple infix expressions and equations, Reverse Polish notation, Reverse Polish notation, Other uses of mekso, Four score and seven: a mekso problem
su'o: Quantified sumti, Quantified sumti, Quantified sumti, Quantified descriptions, Quantified descriptions, Lojban names, Pro-sumti summary, Pro-sumti summary, Pro-sumti summary, Pro-sumti summary, Quotation summary, Number summary, Relative clauses and descriptors, Variables with generalized quantifiers, Variables with generalized quantifiers, Variables with generalized quantifiers, Variables with generalized quantifiers, Variables with generalized quantifiers, Grouping of quantifiers, Grouping of quantifiers, Negation boundaries, selbri variables, selbri variables, Approximation and inexact numbers, Approximation and inexact numbers, Miscellany
su'u: Minor abstraction types, Minor abstraction types, Minor abstraction types, Minor abstraction types, Minor abstraction types, Minor abstraction types
sudysrasu: Some types of asymmetrical tanru, Some types of symmetrical tanru
sumti: The concept of the bridi, The concept of the bridi, Lojban grammatical terms, Introductory
sutra: Some words used to indicate selbri relations, Simple tanru, Simple tanru, Inversion of tanru: co, Scalar negation of selbri, Scalar negation of selbri
sy: Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet
sy.: brivla, A to Z in Lojban, plus one


ta: Words that can act as sumti, Pro-sumti summary, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series, What are you pointing at?, Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
ta'e: Interval properties: TAhE and roi, bridi negation
ta'onai: Discursives
ta'u: Discursives, Discursives, Discursives
ta'unai: Discursives
tai: Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
tamdu'i: Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
tamsmi: Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents, Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
tanjo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu, Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu, Using Lojban resources within mekso
tanru: tanru, Lojban grammatical terms, Simple tanru
tarmi: fu'ivla, Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
tau: Upper and lower cases, Upper and lower cases, Upper and lower cases
tavla: Some words used to indicate selbri relations, Some simple Lojban bridi, tanru, Description sumti
te: Varying the order of sumti, Varying the order of sumti, Description sumti, Conversion of simple selbri, Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
te'a: Simple infix expressions and equations
te'o: Special numbers, Approximation and inexact numbers
te'u: Vectors and matrices, Using Lojban resources within mekso, Miscellany, Four score and seven: a mekso problem
teci'e: Expressing scales in selbri negation
tei: Accent marks and compound lerfu words, Accent marks and compound lerfu words, Accent marks and compound lerfu words, What about Chinese characters?, List of all auxiliary lerfu-word cmavo
teka'a: Modal tags: BAI
terbi'a: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
tergu'i: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
terkavbu: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
tertau: Simple tanru, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour
terto: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
tezu'e: Modal sentence connection: the causals
ti: Words that can act as sumti, Tenses, The five kinds of simple sumti, Pro-sumti summary, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series, Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series, What are you pointing at?, What are you pointing at?, What are you pointing at?, What are you pointing at?, Non-veridical relative clauses: voi, Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
ti'e: Evidentials, Evidentials
ti'o: Explicit operator precedence, Explicit operator precedence, Explicit operator precedence
ti'otci: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
tinju'i: Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo
tirna: Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo, Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo
to: Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
to'a: Upper and lower cases, Upper and lower cases
to'e: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo, Expressing scales in selbri negation, Expressing scales in selbri negation, Expressing scales in selbri negation, Expressing scales in selbri negation, sumti negation
to'i: Miscellaneous indicators, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
to'o: List of spatial directions and direction-like relations, List of spatial directions and direction-like relations
to'u: Discursives
toi: Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
tolmle: Expressing scales in selbri negation
tolvri: Some types of symmetrical tanru
traji: Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives
tricu: fu'ivla
troci: Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co
tsali: Attitudes as scales
tu: Words that can act as sumti, Pro-sumti summary, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series, Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series, What are you pointing at?, Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
tu'a: sumti qualifiers, Lojban sumti raising, Lojban sumti raising, Lojban sumti raising, Lojban sumti raising, Lojban sumti raising, Lojban sumti raising
tu'e: Modal selbri, Mixed modal connection, Mixed modal connection, Mixed modal connection, Tensed logical connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, More about non-logical connectives, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, A few notes on variables, Sentences: I, Sentences: I, Sentences: I, Sentences: I, Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU
tu'o: Infix operators revisited, Infix operators revisited, Reverse Polish notation, Reverse Polish notation
tu'u: Modal selbri, Mixed modal connection, Mixed modal connection, Mixed modal connection, Tensed logical connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, Grouping of afterthought connectives, More about non-logical connectives, A few notes on variables, A few notes on variables, Sentences: I, Sentences: I, Sentences: I, Sentences: I, Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU
ty: Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet
ty.: A to Z in Lojban, plus one, Alien alphabets, Alien alphabets, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet


va: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA, Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
va'a: Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Infix operators revisited, Infix operators revisited, Reverse Polish notation, Other uses of mekso
va'e: Special mekso selbri
va'i: Discursives, Discursives, Discursives, Discursives, Discursives, Discursives
va'inai: Discursives, Discursives, Discursives
vau: Relative clauses and descriptors, Possessive sumti, Other modal connections, Other modal connections, The syntax of abstraction, Compound bridi, Compound bridi, Compound bridi, Compound bridi, Compound bridi, Restricted claims: da poi, Questions and answers, Attitude scope markers: FUhE/FUhO
ve: Varying the order of sumti, Varying the order of sumti, Conversion of simple selbri, Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
ve klama: Conversion: SE
ve'e: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
ve'o: Other modal connections, Other modal connections, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Mathematical uses of lerfu strings, Mathematical uses of lerfu strings, Simple infix expressions and equations, Simple infix expressions and equations, Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions)
vecnu: Some words used to indicate selbri relations, Description sumti, Modal tags: BAI
vei: Other modal connections, Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, Mathematical uses of lerfu strings, Simple infix expressions and equations, Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions)
veka'a: Modal tags: BAI
veljvo: The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour
vemau: Comparatives and superlatives
veme'a: Comparatives and superlatives
vi: Tenses, Tenses, Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA, Compound spatial tenses
vi'a: Dimensionality: VIhA
vi'e: Dimensionality: VIhA, Dimensionality: VIhA
vi'u: Dimensionality: VIhA
viska: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal places: FIhO, FEhU, Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
vo: Quantified sumti, What about Chinese characters?, Reverse Polish notation
vo'a: Pro-sumti summary, Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series
vo'e: Pro-sumti summary, Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series
vo'i: Pro-sumti summary
vo'o: Pro-sumti summary
vo'u: Pro-sumti summary
voi: Non-veridical relative clauses: voi, Non-veridical relative clauses: voi, Non-veridical relative clauses: voi, Non-veridical relative clauses: voi
vorme: Lojban sumti raising
vu: Tenses, Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
vu'e: Attitudinal modifiers
vu'i: sumti qualifiers
vu'o: Relative clauses and complex sumti: vu'o, Relative clauses and complex sumti: vu'o
vu'u: Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions)
vukro: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
vy: Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
vy.: A to Z in Lojban, plus one


xagmau: Comparatives and superlatives
xagrai: Comparatives and superlatives
xamgu: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Comparatives and superlatives
xampo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
xance: Anomalous lujvo
xarci: lujvo with more than two parts.
xatsi: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
xazdo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
xe: Varying the order of sumti, Varying the order of sumti, Conversion of simple selbri, Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents, Subscripts: XI
xebro: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
xecto: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
xeka'a: Modal tags: BAI
xekri: Notes on gismu place structures, Notes on gismu place structures
xelso: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
xexso: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
xi: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso, A few notes on variables, Mathematical uses of lerfu strings, Subscripts, Subscripts, Subscripts: XI
xindo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
xispo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
xo: Number questions, Number questions, Number questions, Questions and answers
xrabo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
xriso: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
xu: The basic structure of longer utterances, Questions, Questions, Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators, Miscellaneous indicators, Truth questions and connective questions, Truth questions and connective questions, Truth questions, Metalinguistic negation forms, Questions and answers
xunre: Logical connection within tanru, Expressing scales in selbri negation
xurdo: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
xy: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet
xy.: A to Z in Lojban, plus one, lerfu words as pro-sumti, Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions), Subscripts: XI


za'a: Indicators, Evidentials
za'e: Considerations for making lujvo, The universal bu, Contrastive emphasis: BAhE, Contrastive emphasis: BAhE
za'i: Types of event abstractions, Types of event abstractions, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
za'o: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
za'u: Approximation and inexact numbers
zabna: Attitudinal modifiers
zai: Alien alphabets, Punctuation marks
zarci: Some words used to indicate selbri relations, The three basic description types, The three basic description types
zbasu: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
zdani: lujvo-making examples, lujvo-making examples, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Inversion of tanru: co, Inversion of tanru: co, Conversion: SE, Conversion: SE, Conversion: SE, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour, The meaning of lujvo, The meaning of lujvo, The meaning of lujvo, The meaning of lujvo, The meaning of lujvo, Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo, Dependent places, Eliding SE rafsi from tertau, Erasure: SI, SA, SU
ze'e: Interval properties: TAhE and roi, Interval properties: TAhE and roi, Interval properties: TAhE and roi
ze'i: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
ze'o: List of spatial directions and direction-like relations, List of spatial directions and direction-like relations
zei: rafsi, rafsi, rafsi, rafsi, rafsi, rafsi fu'ivla: a proposal, The universal bu, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions
zenba: Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives
zepti: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
zerle'a: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
zernerkla: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
zetro: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
zi: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
zi'e: Multiple relative clauses: zi'e, Multiple relative clauses: zi'e, Multiple relative clauses: zi'e, Multiple relative clauses: zi'e, Multiple relative clauses: zi'e, Multiple relative clauses: zi'e
zi'o: Pro-sumti summary, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, lujvo based on pro-sumti, lujvo based on pro-sumti
zmadu: rafsi, rafsi, rafsi, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Comparatives and superlatives, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi, Other useful selbri for mekso bridi
zo: The five kinds of simple sumti, Lojban names, The uses of indicators, The universal bu, References to lerfu, Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, No more to say: FAhO, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions, List of cmavo interactions
zo'e: Some simple Lojban bridi, Some simple Lojban bridi, Variant bridi structure, Pro-sumti summary, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, Standard bridi form: cu, Standard bridi form: cu, Tagging places: FA, Indirect questions, Indirect questions, Compound bridi, Existential claims, prenexes, and variables, Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
zo'i: List of spatial directions and direction-like relations, List of spatial directions and direction-like relations
zo'o: Discursives, Discursives
zo'u: Relative clauses within relative clauses, Existential claims, prenexes, and variables, Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU, Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU, Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU, Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU, Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU
zoi: The five kinds of simple sumti, The universal bu, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, More on quotations: ZO, ZOI, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU, Erasure: SI, SA, SU
zu'a: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA, Compound spatial tenses, Tense relations between sentences, Tense relations between sentences, Tense relations between sentences, Explicit magnitudes
zu'i: Pro-sumti summary, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
zu'o: Types of event abstractions, Types of event abstractions, Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
zukte: Notes on gismu place structures
zuljma: rafsi, rafsi
zunle: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA, Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters
zy: Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet, Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet
zy.: A to Z in Lojban, plus one, Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions)