- a
- example: Miscellaneous indicators
- a/an
- contrasted with the: Miscellaneous indicators
- abbreviated lujvo and plausibility: Eliding SE rafsi from seltau
- abduction
- example: Evidentials
- absolute laws: Why have lujvo?
- abstract description: Lojban sumti raising
- abstract lujvo: Abstract lujvo
- abstraction bridi
- contrasted with component non-abstraction bridi in meaning: Other kinds of simple selbri
- effect on claim of bridi: Modal sentence connection: the causals
- abstraction conversion: Lojban sumti raising
- abstraction of sentences
- contrasted with quotation: Predication/sentence abstraction
- abstractions
- achievement: Types of event abstractions
- activity: Types of event abstractions
- concept: Minor abstraction types
- creating new types: Minor abstraction types
- event: Event abstraction
- experience: Minor abstraction types
- forethought connection in: Abstractor connection and connection within abstractions
- grammatical uses: The syntax of abstraction
- grouping of connectives in: Abstractor connection and connection within abstractions
- idea: Minor abstraction types
- implicit in sumti: Event abstraction
- logical connection of: Abstractor connection and connection within abstractions
- making concrete: Lojban sumti raising
- mental activity: Predication/sentence abstraction
- place structure: The syntax of abstraction
- point-event: Types of event abstractions
- process: Types of event abstractions
- simplification to sumti with jai: Lojban sumti raising
- simplification to sumti with tu'a: Lojban sumti raising
- speaking
- writing, etc.: Predication/sentence abstraction
- state: Types of event abstractions
- sumti ellipsis in: Event abstraction
- truth-value and fuzzy logic: Truth-value abstraction: jei
- vague: Minor abstraction types
- with knowing
- believing, etc.: Predication/sentence abstraction
- with wonder
- doubt, etc.: Indirect questions
- accent mark
- a diacritical mark: Accent marks and compound lerfu words
- example: Accent marks and compound lerfu words
- accent marks
- proposed lerfu words for: Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters
- accented letters
- considered as distinct from unaccented: Accent marks and compound lerfu words
- achievative event contour: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- achievement abstraction
- place structure: Types of event abstractions
- achievement abstractions
- definition: Types of event abstractions
- related tense contours: Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
- achievement event
- described: Types of event abstractions
- acronym
- definition: Acronyms
- acronym names from lerfu words
- assigning final consonant: Acronyms
- acronyms
- as lerfu strings using "me": Acronyms
- using names based on lerfu words: Acronyms
- acronyms names based on lerfu words
- omitting bu: Acronyms
- using "z" instead of "'" in: Acronyms
- activity abstraction
- place structure: Types of event abstractions
- activity abstractions
- definition: Types of event abstractions
- related tense contours: Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
- activity abstractor: Types of event abstractions
- activity event
- described: Types of event abstractions
- actual events
- explicitly expressing: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
- actual stop
- contrasted with natural end: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- actuality
- expressing in past/future: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
- Lojban contrasted with English in implying: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
- addition
- a mathematical operator: Simple infix expressions and equations
- addition operator
- contrasted with positive sign: Simple infix expressions and equations
- adjective ordering: Logical connection within tanru
- adjective-noun combination
- with tanru: Simple tanru
- adjectives
- brivla as Lojban equivalents: brivla
- adverb-verb combination
- with tanru: Simple tanru
- adverbs
- brivla as Lojban equivalents: brivla
- affirmative answer
- quick-tour version: Questions
- afterthought bridi connectives
- contrasted with forethought bridi connectives: Forethought bridi connection
- afterthought connection
- contrasted with forethought for grammatical utterances: Truth questions and connective questions
- definition: Other modal connections
- of operands: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- of operators: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- afterthought connectives
- as complete grammatical utterance: Truth questions and connective questions
- contrasted with forethought connectives: Forethought bridi connection
- afterthought sentence connection
- modal contrasted with tense: Tenses versus modals
- afterthought tense connection
- contrasted with forethought in likeness to modal connection: Tenses versus modals
- ailment: Ordering lujvo places.
- algebra of functions
- operator and operand distinction in: Miscellany
- alienable possession
- definition: Relative phrases
- aliens
- communication with: Tentative conclusion
- allowable diphthongs
- in fu'ivla contrasted with in gismu and lujvo: fu'ivla
- in gismu and lujvo contrasted with in fu'ivla: fu'ivla
- alpha
- example: Alien alphabets
- alphabet
- Latin used for Lojban: What's a letteral, anyway?
- Lojban: Orthography
- words for letters in
- rationale: What's a letteral, anyway?
- alphabetic order: Orthography
- alphabets
- words for non-Lojban letters
- rationale: What's a letteral, anyway?
- alternative guidelines: Why have lujvo?
- ambiguity of tanru: Simple tanru
- American Indian languages and evidentials: Evidentials
- Amharic writing: What about Chinese characters?
- ampersand
- example: The universal bu
- ampersand character
- word for: The universal bu
- an
- example: Miscellaneous indicators
- anaphora
- definition: Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
- pro-bridi go'i-series as: Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
- pro-sumti ri-series as: Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
- pro-sumti vo'a-series as: Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series
- anaphoric pro-bridi
- stability of: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- anaphoric pro-sumti
- stability of: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- and
- as non-logical connective: Non-logical connectives
- compared with but: Truth questions and connective questions
- contrasted with cross-product: More about non-logical connectives
- animal doctor
- example: Ordering lujvo places.
- animal patient: Ordering lujvo places.
- animals
- use of fu'ivla for specific: fu'ivla
- anomalous ordering of lujvo places: lujvo with more than two parts.
- answers
- go'i for yes/no questions: Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
- to operator questions: Other uses of mekso
- to place structure questions: Tagging places: FA
- to tense-or-modal questions: Tense questions: cu'e
- antecedent
- for pro-bridi: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- for pro-bridi as full bridi: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- antecedent of pro-bridi
- definition: What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?
- antecedent of pro-sumti
- definition: What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?
- anticipated
- example: Evidentials
- any
- as a restricted universal claim: The problem of “any”
- as a translation problem: The problem of “any”
- as a universal claim
- later restricted: The problem of “any”
- as an existential claim: The problem of “any”
- expressing as existential by variable in subordinate bridi: The problem of “any”
- any box: The problem of “any”
- anyone
- contrasted with everyone in assumption of existence: The problem of “any”
- aorist
- definition: Vague intervals and non-specific tenses
- apostrophe
- and consonant cluster determination in lujvo: lujvo
- as not a consonant for morphological discussions: Introductory
- as preferable over comma in Lojbanized names: The Special Lojban Characters
- definition of: The Special Lojban Characters
- example of: The Special Lojban Characters
- purpose of: The Special Lojban Characters
- quick-tour version: Pronunciation
- type of letter in word-formation: The Special Lojban Characters
- use in vowel pairs: Vowel Pairs
- variant of: The Special Lojban Characters
- approximate numbers
- expressing: Approximation and inexact numbers
- expressing some exactness of: Approximation and inexact numbers
- Arabian Nights: Paragraphs: NIhO
- Arabic alphabet
- language shift word for: Alien alphabets
- argument tags
- based on tenses (see also sumtcita): Tenses as sumtcita
- arthropod: Dependent places
- article
- number: Simple infix expressions and equations
- articles
- cmavo as Lojban equivalents: cmavo
- application to lerfu words: Computerized character codes
- aspect
- expressing: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- natural languages compared with respect to: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- assignable pro-sumti
- explicit cancellation of by rebinding: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- stability of: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- asymmetrical tanru: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- definition: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- asymmetrical tanru types
- activity + implement-used: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- cause + effect: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- characteristic-time + event: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- characteristic/detail + object: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- effect + causative agent: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- elements-in-set + set: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- energy-source + powered: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- general-class + sub-class: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- inhabitant + habitat: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- locus-of-application + object: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- miscellaneous: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- object + component/detail: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- object + place-sold: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- object + usual-container: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- object-giving-characteristic + other-object: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- object-measured + standard-object: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- object-of-action + action: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- object-of-purpose-of-instrument + instrument: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- overriding-property + object-with-implicit-properties: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- possessor + object: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- product + producer: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- product + source: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- purpose-of-instrument + instrument: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- set + element-of-set: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- similar-appearance-object + object: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- source + product: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- source-material + object: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- typical-place + object: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- undesired-object + protection-object: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- whole + part: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- at least
- contrasted with more than
- less than, at most: Approximation and inexact numbers
- at most
- contrasted with more than
- at least, less than: Approximation and inexact numbers
- Athens: Types of event abstractions
- attitude
- avoidance of expression: Miscellaneous indicators
- scalar: Attitudes as scales
- attitudes
- beginning: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- ceasing: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- continuing: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- empathy contrasted with sympathy: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- expressing changes in: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- attitudinal
- example of scale effect: Attitudes as scales
- signaling as non-propositional: Propositional attitude indicators
- attitudinal answers
- plausibility: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- attitudinal categories: Emotional categories
- example of effect: Emotional categories
- mnemonic for: Emotional categories
- rationale: Emotional categories
- attitudinal indicator
- unspecified: Compound indicators
- attitudinal indicators: What are attitudinal indicators?
- conventions of interpretation: Compound indicators
- placement of "nai" in: Compound indicators
- placement of scale in: Compound indicators
- quick-tour version: Indicators
- attitudinal modifiers: Attitudinal modifiers
- attitudinal questions: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- asking about specific attitude: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- asking intensity: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- attitudinal scale
- as axis in emotion-space: The space of emotions
- neutral compared with positive + negative: The space of emotions
- seven-position: Attitudes as scales
- stand-alone usage: Attitudes as scales
- usage: Attitudes as scales
- attitudinal scales
- rationale for assignment: Attitudes as scales
- attitudinals
- a- series: Propositional attitude indicators
- affecting whole grammatical structures: The uses of indicators
- and logic: What's wrong with this picture?
- at beginning of text: The uses of indicators
- attributing emotion to others: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- benefit in written expression: The uses of indicators
- categories with nai: Emotional categories
- categories with scale markers: Emotional categories
- complexity: Attitudinal modifiers
- compound: What are attitudinal indicators?
- contours: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- contrasted with bridi: Propositional attitude indicators, The space of emotions
- contrasted with discursives: Discursives
- contrasted with rationalizations of emotion: The space of emotions
- design benefit: The space of emotions
- e- series: Propositional attitude indicators
- emotional contrasted with propositional: Propositional attitude indicators
- emotional/propositional caveat: Propositional attitude indicators
- exceptions: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- external grammar: The uses of indicators
- grammar of internal compounding: Compound indicators
- grammar of placement in bridi: The uses of indicators
- i- series: Propositional attitude indicators
- internal grammar
- complete: Compound indicators
- logical language and: Propositional attitude indicators
- negative: Attitudes as scales
- neutral: Attitudes as scales
- non-speaker attitudes: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- order of: The space of emotions
- placement for prevailing attitude: What are attitudinal indicators?
- placement in sentences with "nai": Compound indicators
- positive: Attitudes as scales
- prevailing attitude: What are attitudinal indicators?
- propositional contrasted with emotional: Propositional attitude indicators
- propositional effect on claim: Propositional attitude indicators
- propositional/emotional caveat: Propositional attitude indicators
- rationale for: Propositional attitude indicators
- referent uncertainty: The uses of indicators
- scale of: Attitudes as scales
- stand-alone categories: Emotional categories
- word-form for primary: What are attitudinal indicators?
- audio-visual isomorphism: Orthography
- audio-visually isomorphic: Sentences: I
- auditoriums: Dependent places
- author of this book: Acknowledgements and Credits
- da
- as a translation for "something": Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- contrasted with zo'e: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- da prami da
- contrasted with da prami de: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- da prami de
- contrasted with da prami da: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- da'a
- default number for: Indefinite numbers
- da'o
- for cancellation of pro-sumti/pro-bridi assignment: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- syntax of: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- da-series
- after third: Subscripts: XI
- da-series pro-sumti
- for bound variables: Bound variable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the da-series and the bu'a-series
- decimal point
- as numerical punctuation: Signs and numerical punctuation
- effect of different notations: Signs and numerical punctuation
- in bases other than 10: Non-decimal and compound bases
- deduction
- example: Evidentials
- default operator precedence
- contrasted with mekso goal: Simple infix expressions and equations
- definable pro-sumti: Pro-sumti summary
- sequences of lerfu words as: Pro-sumti summary
- definite numbers
- combined with indefinite: Indefinite numbers
- demonstrated potential
- expressing: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
- demonstrative pro-sumti: Pro-sumti summary, Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- stability of: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- DeMorgan's Law
- and bridi-tail logical connection: Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- and distributing a negation: Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- and internal naku negations: Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- and logically connected sentences: Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- and moving a logical connective relative to "naku": Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- sample applications: Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- dereferencing a pointer
- with la'e: sumti qualifiers
- derivational morphology
- definition: Introductory
- derogatory terms: The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour
- descriptions
- and abstractions: The syntax of abstraction
- as based on first place of following selbri: Conversion: SE
- as possessive sumti: Possessive sumti
- components of: The three basic description types
- importance of selbri first place in: The three basic description types
- non-specific: The three basic description types
- quick-tour version: Description sumti
- specific: The three basic description types
- types of: The three basic description types, The three basic description types
- use of SE in: Conversion: SE
- descriptions with lo
- teddy bear contrasted with real bear: The three basic description types
- descriptor
- as part of description: The three basic description types
- descriptors
- implicit quantifiers for: Quantified descriptions
- omission of: Indefinite descriptions
- purpose of: The three basic description types
- di'e
- effect of tu'e/tu'u on: More about non-logical connectives
- di'u
- contrasted with la'edi'u: Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
- contrasted with ta: Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
- di'u-series pro-sumti: Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
- diacritic marks
- proposed lerfu words for: Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters
- diacritical marks
- as lerfu: Accent marks and compound lerfu words
- considered as forming distinct letters: Accent marks and compound lerfu words
- order of specification within tei…foi: Accent marks and compound lerfu words
- problem of position: Accent marks and compound lerfu words
- problem with multiple on one lerfu: Accent marks and compound lerfu words
- specifying with tei…foi: Accent marks and compound lerfu words
- dictionary
- superior authority of: Disclaimers
- digit questions: Number questions
- digit string
- definition of: Other uses of mekso
- digits
- cmavo for: Lojban numbers
- list of decimal: Complete table of PA cmavo: digits, punctuation, and other numbers.
- list of hexadecimal: Complete table of PA cmavo: digits, punctuation, and other numbers.
- names from: Miscellany
- rafsi for: Miscellany
- rationale for having 16: Non-decimal and compound bases
- digits beyond 9
- word pattern: Non-decimal and compound bases
- dimension
- meaning as sumtcita: Tenses as sumtcita
- dimensionality
- of walking: Dimensionality: VIhA
- order with size in spatial tense intervals: Dimensionality: VIhA
- dimensionality of interval
- as subjective: Dimensionality: VIhA
- dimensioned numbers
- expressing: Using Lojban resources within mekso
- diphthongs
- classification of: Diphthongs and Syllabic Consonants
- contrasted with vowel pairs: Vowel Pairs
- definition of: Diphthongs and Syllabic Consonants
- English analogues of: English Analogues For Lojban Diphthongs
- in fu'ivla: fu'ivla
- IPA for: Diphthongs and Syllabic Consonants
- list of: Diphthongs and Syllabic Consonants
- pronunciation of
- quick-tour version: Pronunciation
- specific to cmevla: cmevla
- specific to names: cmevla
- direct address: Vocative scales
- direction
- following interval in tense construct: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- interaction with movement specification in tenses: Movement in space: MOhI
- order of relative to distance in spatial tenses: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- reference frame for: Movement in space: MOhI
- specification with FAhA: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- directions
- multiple with movement: Movement in space: MOhI
- disambiguated instance: The meaning of lujvo
- disclaimers: Disclaimers
- discourse
- commentary on: Discursives
- expressing utterance relation to: Discursives
- gesture markers: Discursives
- tone of voice markers: Discursives
- discrete
- of tense intervals: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
- discursive indicator: Paragraphs: NIhO
- discursives
- as metalinguistic claims: Discursives
- contrasted with attitudinals: Discursives
- definition: Discursives
- discourse commentary: Discursives
- discourse management: Discursives
- embedded: Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
- expressing how things are said: Discursives
- knowledge: Discursives
- placement in sentence: Discursives
- quick-tour version: Indicators
- su'a as: Evidentials
- word-level: Discursives
- discursives for consecutive discourse: Discursives
- contrasted: Discursives
- discursives for managing discourse flow: Discursives
- distance
- order of relative to direction in spatial tenses: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- specification with VA: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- distributing a negation: Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- distribution of quantified sumti: Grouping of quantifiers
- ditto
- example: Discursives
- diversified species: Notes on gismu place structures
- do'e
- compared with English "of": Modal tags: BAI
- do'i
- compared with zo'e-series as indefinite pro-sumti: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
- dog breathes: Restricted claims: da poi
- dog house
- example: The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour
- doghouse
- example: lujvo-making examples
- double negation
- and naku: Using naku outside a prenex
- double negatives
- effect of interactions between quantifiers and negation on: Negation boundaries
- double underscore notation convention for Quick Tour chapter: The concept of the bridi
- doubled consonants
- contrasted with consonant clusters: Consonant Clusters
- contrasted with single consonants: Consonant Clusters
- dream
- example: Evidentials
- du
- as an exception within GOhA selma'o: Other kinds of simple selbri
- compared with me in effect: selbri based on sumti: me
- contrasted with dunli: The identity predicate: du
- contrasted with mintu: The identity predicate: du
- derivation of: The identity predicate: du
- grammar of: Simple infix expressions and equations
- meaning of: The identity predicate: du
- rationale for selection of selma'o for: The identity predicate: du
- with complex mekso on both sides: Simple infix expressions and equations
- dunli
- contrasted with du: The identity predicate: du
- e
- contrasted with pi'u: More about non-logical connectives
- e'o
- contrasted with pe'u: Vocative scales
- e'u
- compared with ru'a: Evidentials
- Earl
- example: Diphthongs and Syllabic Consonants
- editorial commentary: Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
- editorial insertion: Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
- of text already containing sa'a: Miscellaneous indicators
- with "sa'a: Miscellaneous indicators
- Einsteinian
- space-time intervals with 4 dimensions: Dimensionality: VIhA
- ek
- definition: The six types of logical connectives
- eks
- connecting operands: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- in sumti forethought logical connection: sumti connection
- elementary schools: Dependent places
- Elgin
- Suzette Haden and evidentials: Evidentials
- elidability of be'o: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
- elidability of me'u: selbri based on sumti: me
- elided tense
- meaning of: Introductory
- elimination process: Ordering lujvo places.
- ellipsis
- quick-tour version: Some simple Lojban bridi
- elliptical pro-bridi: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
- elliptical pro-sumti: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
- elliptical sumti: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
- elliptical value
- contrasted with typical value for sumti: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
- embarrassment
- example: Emotional categories
- embedded bridi tenses
- effect of main bridi tense on: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- embedded discursive: Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
- emotional categories: Emotional categories
- emotional indicators
- noticeable effects of: Tentative conclusion
- emotional scale: Attitudes as scales
- emotions
- compound: The space of emotions
- cultural bias of expression: Tentative conclusion
- insights: The space of emotions
- recording using indicators: Tentative conclusion
- research using indicators: Tentative conclusion
- when expressed: The space of emotions
- emphasis
- changing by using non-standard form of bridi: Standard bridi form: cu
- end of file: No more to say: FAhO
- endpoints
- inclusion in interval: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- English "we"
- contrasted with Lojban pro-sumti for "we": Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
- English prepositions
- contrasted with modal tags in preciseness: Modal tags: BAI
- equivalents to brivla: Other kinds of simple selbri
- erasure
- multiple word: Erasure: SI, SA, SU
- names: Erasure: SI, SA, SU
- quotes: Erasure: SI, SA, SU
- total: Erasure: SI, SA, SU
- word: Erasure: SI, SA, SU
- zo: Erasure: SI, SA, SU
- error marking
- metalinguistic: Miscellaneous indicators
- event abstractions: Event abstraction
- types: Types of event abstractions
- event contours
- achievative: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- as characteristic portions of events: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- as sumtcita: Tenses as sumtcita
- as timeless in perspective: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- cessative: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- completitive: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- continuitive: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- contrasted with tense direction in implication of extent: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- definition: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- division of the event into: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- implications on scope of event: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- inchoative: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- initiative: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- interruption: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- order with respect to TAhE and ROI: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- pausative: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- points associated with: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- resumption: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- resumptive: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- retrospective: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- strings of: Sub-events
- superfective: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- syntax of: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- temporal contrasted with spatial: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- event contours as sumtcita
- contrasted with direction and distance: Tenses as sumtcita
- event types
- described: Types of event abstractions
- event-relative viewpoint
- contrasted with speaker-relative viewpoint: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- events
- considered as a process: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- duration: Event abstraction
- place structure: Event abstraction
- everyone
- contrasted with anyone in assumption of existence: The problem of “any”
- everyone bitten by dog: Dropping the prenex
- everything
- expressing with "ro da": Universal claims
- evidentials
- ba'a scale: Evidentials
- definition: Evidentials
- grammar: Evidentials
- in English: Evidentials
- indisputable bridi: Evidentials
- inspiration for: Evidentials
- ja'o contrasted with su'a: Evidentials
- ka'u contrasted with se'o: Evidentials
- placement in bridi: Evidentials
- quick-tour version: Indicators
- rhetorical flavor: Evidentials
- scales: Evidentials
- se'o contrasted with ka'u: Evidentials
- su'a contrasted with ja'o: Evidentials
- exact number
- expressing: Approximation and inexact numbers
- example of examples: What are the typographical conventions of this book?
- examples
- structure of: What are the typographical conventions of this book?
- examples in this book: What are the typographical conventions of this book?
- existential
- mixed claim with universal: Universal claims
- existential claims
- definition: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- restricting: Restricted claims: da poi
- existential variable
- in abstraction contrasted with in main bridi: The problem of “any”
- in main bridi contrasted with in abstraction: The problem of “any”
- expanding "no" quantifier: Negation boundaries
- experience abstraction: Minor abstraction types
- experience abstractions
- place structure: Minor abstraction types
- experience abstractor: Minor abstraction types
- experimental cmavo
- definition: cmavo
- forms for: cmavo
- exponential notation
- with base other than 10: Infix operators revisited
- with gei: Infix operators revisited
- exporting negation to prenex
- "naku" contrasted with internal bridi negation: Using naku outside a prenex
- internal bridi negation contrasted with "naku": Using naku outside a prenex
- external bridi negation
- compared to internal bridi negation: Negation boundaries
- definition: Negation boundaries
- extrinsic possession
- definition: Relative phrases
- FA in selbri
- compared with converted selbri in meaning: Conversion: SE
- contrasted converted selbri with in structure: Conversion: SE
- FA selma'o
- after 5th place: Subscripts: XI
- as a reminder of place in place structure: Tagging places: FA
- avoidance of complex usage of: Tagging places: FA
- compared with zo'e for omitting places: Tagging places: FA
- effect on place structure: Tagging places: FA
- effect on place structure order: Tagging places: FA
- effect on subsequent non-tagged places: Tagging places: FA
- for accessing a selbri place explicitly by relative number: Tagging places: FA
- for putting more than one sumti in a single place: Tagging places: FA
- syntax of: Tagging places: FA
- FA tags and linked sumti: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
- fa'a
- special note on direction orientation: List of spatial directions and direction-like relations
- fa'o
- contrasted with fe'o: Vocative scales
- interaction with bu: The universal bu
- fa'u
- compared to termsets: Non-logical connectives
- contrasted with .e: Non-logical connectives
- face
- specifying for letters: Alien alphabets
- FAhA selma'o
- and direction: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- contradictory negation of: Tense negation
- use in specifying space/time mapping direction: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- fai
- as allowing access to original first place in modal conversion: Modal conversion: JAI
- effect on numbering of place structure places: Modal conversion: JAI
- false statement
- implications of: Logical connection of bridi
- fancy A
- notation convention: The Four basic vowels
- fancy E
- notation convention: The Four basic vowels
- fancy O
- notation convention: The Four basic vowels
- fancy U
- notation convention: The Four basic vowels
- fe'e
- effect of TAhE/ROI with ZAhO on: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- fe'o
- contrasted with fa'o: Vocative scales
- fi'a
- effect on subsequent untagged sumti: Tagging places: FA
- fi'o
- and modal conversion: Modal conversion: JAI
- as modal tag: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- effect on following selbri: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- mixed modal connection with: Mixed modal connection
- proscribed for sticky modals: Sticky modals
- restriction on use: Other modal connections
- use in adding places to place structure: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- fi'o constructs
- short forms as BAI cmavo: Modal tags: BAI
- fi'o modal followed by selbri
- effect on eliding fe'u: Modal selbri
- fi'o modals
- negation of by negating selbri: Modal negation
- usage in relative phrases: Modal relative phrases; Comparison
- fi'o tag
- relation of modal sumti following to selbri: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- fi'o with selbri
- meaning of: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- figurative lujvo: Miscellaneous indicators
- place structure: Miscellaneous indicators
- figurative speech: Miscellaneous indicators
- final syllable stress
- rules for pause after: Rules for inserting pauses
- finish
- contrasted with stop: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- fleas: The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour
- flexible vocabulary: brivla
- floating point numbers
- expressing: Infix operators revisited
- flow of discourse
- managing with discursives: Discursives
- folk quantifiers
- expressing: Using Lojban resources within mekso
- font
- specifying for letters: Alien alphabets
- food
- use of fu'ivla for specific: fu'ivla
- foreman of a jury
- example: Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
- forethought bridi connection
- as grammatically one sentence: Forethought bridi connection
- forethought bridi connectives
- contrasted with afterthought bridi connectives: Forethought bridi connection
- forethought bridi-tail connection
- special rule for tense: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- forethought connection
- contrasted with afterthought for grammatical utterances: Truth questions and connective questions
- definition: Other modal connections
- in abstractions: Abstractor connection and connection within abstractions
- in tenses: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- observatives: Multiple compound bridi
- of operands: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- of operators: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- forethought connections
- modal compared with tense in semantics: Tenses versus modals
- forethought connectives
- as ungrammatical utterance: Truth questions and connective questions
- contrasted with afterthought connectives: Forethought bridi connection
- with tense: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- forethought connectives and bo: Grouping of afterthought connectives
- forethought intervals
- GAhO position: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- forethought logical connectives
- within tanru: Logical connection within tanru
- forethought logical connectives in tanru
- effect on tanru grouping: Logical connection within tanru
- forethought modal sentence connection: Other modal connections
- relation to modal of first bridi in: Other modal connections
- relation to modal of second bridi in: Other modal connections
- forethought modal sentence connection for causals
- order of cause and effect: Other modal connections
- forethought tanru connection: Logical connection within tanru
- forethought tense connection
- contrasted with afterthought in likeness to modal connection: Tenses versus modals
- forethought tense connection of bridi-tails
- order of: Tense relations between sentences
- forethought tense connection of sentences
- order of: Tense relations between sentences
- forethought tense connection of sumti
- order of: Tense relations between sentences
- forethought termsets
- logical connection of: Termset logical connection
- former state: Comparatives and superlatives
- formulae
- expressing based on pure dimensions: Using Lojban resources within mekso
- fraction
- meaning with elided numerator and denominator: Special numbers
- fractions
- expressing with numerical punctuation: Signs and numerical punctuation
- numerator default: Signs and numerical punctuation
- fragmentary text: Miscellaneous indicators
- free modifiers
- effects on elidability of terminators: Subscripts
- fu'ivla
- algorithm for constructing: fu'ivla
- as a subtype of brivla: brivla
- as Stage 3 borrowings: fu'ivla
- as Stage 4 borrowings: fu'ivla
- categorized contrasted with uncategorized in ease of construction: fu'ivla
- considerations for choosing basis word: fu'ivla
- consonant clusters in: fu'ivla
- construction of: fu'ivla
- definition
- quick-tour version: Lojban grammatical terms
- diphthongs in: fu'ivla
- disambiguation of: fu'ivla
- form for rafsi fu'ivla proposal: Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu
- form of: fu'ivla
- initial consonant cluster in: fu'ivla
- method of including in lujvo: rafsi
- quick-tour version: Examples of brivla
- rules for formation of: fu'ivla
- stress in: fu'ivla
- uniqueness of meaning in: fu'ivla
- use of: fu'ivla
- with invalid diphthongs: fu'ivla
- fu'ivla categorizer: fu'ivla
- for distinguishing fu'ivla form: fu'ivla
- for distinguishing specialized meanings: fu'ivla
- selection consideration for: fu'ivla
- fully reduced lujvo
- definition: rafsi
- function name
- lerfu string as: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- future event
- possible extension into present: Vague intervals and non-specific tenses
- futureward
- as a spatial tense: Dimensionality: VIhA
- fuzzy logic and truth-value abstraction: Truth-value abstraction: jei
- i
- regarding forethought bridi connection: Forethought bridi connection
- ICAO Phonetic Alphabet
- proposed lerfu words for: Proposed lerfu words for radio communication
- ice'o
- contrasted with .ibabo: More about non-logical connectives
- idea abstraction: Minor abstraction types
- idea abstractions
- place structure: Minor abstraction types
- identity
- expressing with po'u: Relative phrases
- identity predicate: The identity predicate: du
- if
- English usage contrasted with Lojban logical connective: Logical connection of bridi
- expressing hypothetical world: Discursives
- expressing real world: Discursives
- meaning in logical connections: Logical connection of bridi
- if … then
- compared with only if: Logical connection of bridi
- logical connectives contrasted with other translations: Forethought bridi connection
- ijek
- definition: The six types of logical connectives
- ijek bridi connectives
- contrasted with geks: Forethought bridi connection
- ijek logical connectives
- connecting bridi: Logical connection of bridi
- ijeks
- syntax of: Logical connection of bridi
- ijoik
- as name for compound cmavo: The six types of logical connectives
- definition: More about non-logical connectives
- imaginary journey
- and spatial tense: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- ending point: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- origin in tense forethought bridi-tail connection: Tense relations between sentences
- origin in tense forethought sentence connection: Tense relations between sentences
- origin in tense forethought sumti connection: Tense relations between sentences
- origin of in tense-connected sentences: Tense relations between sentences
- stages of in compound tenses: Compound spatial tenses
- starting at a different point: Tenses as sumtcita
- starting point: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA, Tenses as sumtcita
- with interval direction: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- imaginary journey origin
- with sticky tenses: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- imperatives
- and truth: Truth questions and connective questions
- attitude: Attitudinal modifiers
- English contrasted with Lojban in presence of subject of command: Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
- quick-tour version: Vocatives and commands
- with ko: Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
- implausible: Eliding SE rafsi from seltau
- implicit quantifier
- for quotations: Quantified sumti
- on quotations
- discussion of: Quantified sumti
- importance of point
- scale with ra'u: Discursives
- inalienable
- distinguishing from alienable: Relative phrases
- inalienable possession
- definition: Relative phrases
- expressing with po'e: Relative phrases
- inchoative event contour: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- incidental association
- expressing with ne: Relative phrases
- incidental identification
- expressing with no'u: Relative phrases
- incidental relative clause
- as a parenthetical device: Incidental relative clauses
- definition: Incidental relative clauses
- inclusion
- property of sets: Masses and sets
- indefinite description
- as needing explicit outer quantifier: Indefinite descriptions
- as prohibiting explicit inner quantifier: Indefinite descriptions
- compared with restricted variable: Variables with generalized quantifiers
- definition: Indefinite descriptions, Variables with generalized quantifiers
- indefinite numbers
- combined with definite: Indefinite numbers
- indefinite portions
- subjective: Indefinite numbers
- indefinite pro-bridi: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
- stability of: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- indefinite pro-sumti: Pro-sumti summary, Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
- implicit quantifier for: Pro-sumti summary
- stability of: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- indefinite sumti
- as implicit quantification: Using naku outside a prenex
- compared to sumti with lo: Grouping of quantifiers
- meaning when multiple in sentence: Grouping of quantifiers
- multiple in sentence: Grouping of quantifiers
- indefinite values
- subjective: Indefinite numbers
- indicator scope: Paragraphs: NIhO
- indicators: What are attitudinal indicators?
- evolutionary development of: Tentative conclusion
- grammar for compounding: Compound indicators
- meaning when compounded: Compound indicators
- placement of: Propositional attitude indicators
- quick-tour version: Indicators
- ramifications: Tentative conclusion
- rationale for selection: Tentative conclusion
- scope effect of new paragraph: Paragraphs: NIhO
- types of: What are attitudinal indicators?
- indirect question: Miscellaneous indicators
- indirect question involving sumti: Indirect questions
- indirect questions
- "ma kau" contrasted with "la djan. kau": Indirect questions
- indirect questions without "kau": Indirect questions
- indisputable bridi: Evidentials
- individual descriptors
- different implicit outer quantifiers among: Quantified descriptions
- individual objects
- multiple: Individuals and masses
- individuals
- expressing relation with mass formed: Special mekso selbri
- expressing relation with set formed: Special mekso selbri
- individuals into mass
- by non-logical connection: Non-logical connectives
- individuals into set
- by non-logical connection: Non-logical connectives
- individuals of set
- expressing measurement standard for indefinites: Special mekso selbri
- indivisible: Types of event abstractions
- induction
- example: Evidentials
- inexact numbers with bounds: Approximation and inexact numbers
- inexact portions with bounds: Approximation and inexact numbers
- infix notation mixed with Polish: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- example: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- initial consonant pairs
- list of: Initial Consonant Pairs
- initiative event contour: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- innate capabilities
- expressing implicitly: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
- innate capability
- expressing explicitly: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
- innate properties
- extension of from mass to individuals: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
- extension to individuals not actually capable: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
- inner product: Vectors and matrices
- inner quantifier
- contrasted with outer quantifier: Quantified descriptions
- definition: Quantified descriptions
- effect of on meaning: Quantified descriptions
- explicit: Quantified descriptions
- implicit on descriptors: Quantified descriptions
- in indefinite description: Indefinite descriptions
- inner sumti
- referring to from within relative clause within relative clause: Relative clauses within relative clauses
- integral
- architectural concept
- example: fu'ivla
- mathematical concept
- example: fu'ivla
- interactions between quantifiers and negation
- effect: Negation boundaries
- interjections
- quick-tour version: Indicators
- intermediate abstraction: Lojban sumti raising
- internal bridi negation
- compared to external bridi negation: Negation boundaries
- definition: Negation boundaries
- internal naku negations
- and DeMorgan's Law: Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- internal world: Propositional attitude indicators
- International Phonetic Alphabet (see also IPA): Basic Phonetics
- intersect: Minor abstraction types
- intersection
- of sets: More about non-logical connectives
- intersection of sets
- compared with and: More about non-logical connectives
- interval
- closed: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- followed by direction in tense construct: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- inclusion of endpoints: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- open: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- relation to point specified by direction and distance: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- relative order with direction and distance in tense: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- specifying relation to point specified by direction and distance: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- interval continuousness
- meaning as sumtcita: Tenses as sumtcita
- interval direction
- specifying: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- interval properties
- meaning as sumtcita: Tenses as sumtcita
- strings of: Sub-events
- interval size
- as context-dependent: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- meaning as sumtcita: Tenses as sumtcita
- unspecified: Vague intervals and non-specific tenses
- vague: Vague intervals and non-specific tenses
- interval spread
- expressing English "intermittently": Interval properties: TAhE and roi
- mutually contrasted: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
- negation with nai: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
- with unspecified interval: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
- intervals
- effect of nai on: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- expressed as center and distance: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- expressed as endpoints: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- expressing by endpoints with bi'o: Logical and non-logical connections between tenses
- forethought: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- spread of actions over: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
- intrinsic possession
- definition: Relative phrases
- expressing by using place in some selbri: Relative phrases
- expressing with po'e: Relative phrases
- introduce oneself: Vocative scales
- invalid diphthongs
- in fu'ivla: fu'ivla
- invalid speech
- marking as error with na'i: Miscellaneous indicators
- inversion of quantifiers
- definition: Negation boundaries
- in moving negation boundary: Negation boundaries
- inversion of quantifiers on passing negation boundary
- rationale for: Negation boundaries
- invertebrate: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
- inverted tanru
- effect on sumti after the selbri: Inversion of tanru: co
- effect on sumti before the selbri: Inversion of tanru: co
- inverting quantifiers
- with movement relative to fixed negation: Using naku outside a prenex
- with movement relative to naku: Using naku outside a prenex
- IPA: Basic Phonetics
- IPA pronunciation
- description: IPA For English Speakers
- irony
- example: Discursives
- expressing: Discursives
- irrelevant
- specifying of sumti place: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
- isomorphism
- audio-visual: Orthography
- IT
- as notation convention in relative clause chapter: What are you pointing at?
- italic
- example: Alien alphabets
- iy diphthong
- in cmevla: cmevla
- l-hyphen
- use of: fu'ivla
- la
- compared with le in specificity: The three basic description types
- contrasted with lai in implications: Individuals and masses
- contrasted with le in implications: The three basic description types
- contrasted with lo in implications: The three basic description types
- implications of: The three basic description types
- use with descriptions contrasted with use before Lojbanized names: The three basic description types
- LA selma'o
- contrasted with LE in use of name-words: Lojban names
- la'e
- as short for le selsinxa be: sumti qualifiers
- effect of on meaning: sumti qualifiers
- la'e lu
- compared with me'o: References to lerfu
- la'edi'u
- contrasted with di'u: Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
- la'i
- as set counterpart of lai: Masses and sets
- la'o
- interaction with bu: The universal bu
- la-series descriptors
- compared with le-series in implicit quantification: Quantified descriptions
- Láadan evidentials: Evidentials
- LAhE selma'o: sumti qualifiers
- effect of relative clause placement with: Relative clauses and complex sumti: vu'o
- lai
- as mass counterpart of lai: Individuals and masses
- contrasted with la in implications: Individuals and masses
- lambda calculus
- operator and operand distinction in: Miscellany
- language shift
- based on name + bu: Alien alphabets
- choice of Lojban-lerfu-word counterpart: Alien alphabets
- compound: Alien alphabets
- effect on following words: Alien alphabets
- formation of shift alphabet name: Alien alphabets
- interaction with bu: Alien alphabets
- rationale for: Alien alphabets
- standardization of: Alien alphabets
- large-base decimal fraction
- expressing: Non-decimal and compound bases
- latent component: Anomalous lujvo
- Latin
- alphabet of Lojban: What's a letteral, anyway?
- Latin alphabet: Orthography
- language shift word for: Alien alphabets
- lau
- effect on following lerfu word: Punctuation marks
- LAU selma'o
- grammar of following BY cmavo: List of all auxiliary lerfu-word cmavo
- le
- and specificity: The three basic description types
- and truth of selbri: The three basic description types
- compared with English the: The three basic description types
- compared with la in specificity: The three basic description types
- contrasted with lo in implications: The three basic description types
- contrasted with lo in implicit quantification: Quantified descriptions
- contrasted with lo in specificity: The three basic description types
- contrasted with lo in truth requirement: The three basic description types
- implications of: The three basic description types
- implicit outer quantifier for: Quantified descriptions
- in false-to-fact descriptions: The three basic description types
- meaning of in the plural: Individuals and masses
- le nu
- definition: Event abstraction
- LE selma'o
- contrasted with LA in use of name-words: Lojban names
- le'e
- relationship to le'i: Descriptors for typical objects
- le'i
- as set counterpart of lei: Masses and sets
- relationship to le'e: Descriptors for typical objects
- le-series cmavo
- as encompassing le-series and la-series descriptors for quantification discussion: Quantified descriptions
- definition: Quantified descriptions
- rationale for implicit inner quantifier: Quantified descriptions
- rule for implicit inner quantifier: Quantified descriptions
- le-series descriptors
- compared with la-series in implicit quantification: Quantified descriptions
- learning Lojban
- magnitude of task: gismu
- left-grouping rule
- definition of: Three-part tanru grouping with bo
- legal jargon
- example: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- legal system: Truth-value abstraction: jei
- lei
- contrasted with loi in specificity: Individuals and masses
- lerfu
- as assignable pro-sumti: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- contrasted with lerfu word: What's a letteral, anyway?
- definition: What's a letteral, anyway?
- reference to: References to lerfu
- referring to with me'o: References to lerfu
- lerfu as pro-sumti
- contrasted with ko'a-series in explicit assignment of: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- explicit assignment of antecedent: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- implicit assignment of antecedent: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- lerfu juxtaposition interpretation
- contrasted with mathematical interpretation: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- lerfu shift scope
- exception for mathematical texts: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- lerfu string
- as function name: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- as mathematical variable: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- as pro-sumti: lerfu words as pro-sumti
- assumption of reference: lerfu words as pro-sumti
- as pro-sumti assigned by goi: lerfu words as pro-sumti
- as quantifier: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- as selbri: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- as subscript: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- as utterance ordinal: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- definition: lerfu words as pro-sumti
- interpretation
- contrasted with mathematical interpretation: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- lerfu strings
- as acronyms using "me": Acronyms
- as pro-sumti
- for multiple sumti separated by boi: lerfu words as pro-sumti
- as quantifiers
- avoiding interaction with sumti quantified: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- in mathematical expressions: Simple infix expressions and equations
- interpretation of contrasted with normal mathematical interpretation: Simple infix expressions and equations
- uses in mathematics: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- with numerical selbri: Special mekso selbri
- lerfu word
- contrasted with lerfu: What's a letteral, anyway?
- for "'": A to Z in Lojban, plus one
- lerfu word cmavo
- list of auxiliary: List of all auxiliary lerfu-word cmavo
- lerfu word set extension
- with bu: The universal bu
- lerfu words
- as a basis for acronym names: Acronyms
- composed of compound cmavo: A to Z in Lojban, plus one
- composed of single cmavo: A to Z in Lojban, plus one
- consonant words contrasted with vowel words: A to Z in Lojban, plus one
- effect of systematic formulation: A to Z in Lojban, plus one
- for consonants: A to Z in Lojban, plus one
- for vowels: A to Z in Lojban, plus one
- formation rules: A to Z in Lojban, plus one
- forming new for non-Lojban letters using bu: Accent marks and compound lerfu words
- list of proposed
- notation convention: Proposed lerfu words – introduction
- Lojban coverage requirement: A to Z in Lojban, plus one
- proposed for accent marks: Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters
- proposed for Cyrillic alphabet: Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet
- proposed for diacritic marks: Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters
- proposed for multiple letters: Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters
- proposed for noisy environments: Proposed lerfu words for radio communication
- proposed for radio communication: Proposed lerfu words for radio communication
- table of Lojban: A to Z in Lojban, plus one
- using computer encoding schemes with se'e: Computerized character codes
- vowel words contrasted with consonant words: A to Z in Lojban, plus one
- lerfu words ending with "y"
- pause after
- rationale: A to Z in Lojban, plus one
- lerfu words for vowels
- pause requirement before: A to Z in Lojban, plus one
- lerfu words with numeric digits
- grammar considerations: What about Chinese characters?
- less than
- contrasted with more than
- at least, at most: Approximation and inexact numbers
- letter
- alphabet: What's a letteral, anyway?
- contrasted with word for the letter: What's a letteral, anyway?
- letter encoding schemes
- application to lerfu words: Computerized character codes
- letteral
- definition: What's a letteral, anyway?
- letters
- non-Lojban
- representation of diacritical marks on: Accent marks and compound lerfu words
- representation with consonant-word + bu: Alien alphabets
- representation with consonant-word + bu, drawback: Alien alphabets
- representation with language-shift: Alien alphabets
- representation with names: Alien alphabets
- sound contrasted with symbol for spelling: Alien alphabets
- symbol contrasted with sound for spelling: Alien alphabets
- li
- as converter of mekso into sumti: Simple infix expressions and equations
- contrasted with me'o: Other uses of mekso
- relation to me'o compared with la/zo relation: Other uses of mekso
- terminator for: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- LI selma'o: Number summary
- lined up: Eliding SE rafsi from seltau
- linguistic behavior: Predication/sentence abstraction
- linguistic drift: What is this book?
- linguistic drift in Lojban
- possible source of: Considerations for making lujvo
- linked arguments: Questions and answers
- linked sumti
- definition: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
- in tanru: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
- linked sumti and FA tags: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
- linked sumti and sumtcita: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
- Linnaean names
- rules for: cmevla
- list
- as a physical object: Non-logical connectives
- contrasted with sequence: Non-logical connectives
- lists
- use of tu'e/tu'u in: More about non-logical connectives
- literally: Miscellaneous indicators
- LLG: Acknowledgements and Credits
- lo
- and truth of selbri: The three basic description types
- contrasted with le in implications: The three basic description types
- contrasted with le in implicit quantification: Quantified descriptions
- contrasted with le in specificity: The three basic description types
- contrasted with le in truth requirement: The three basic description types
- contrasted with loi and lo'i: Masses and sets
- implications of: The three basic description types
- implicit outer quantifier for: Quantified descriptions
- omission of: Indefinite descriptions
- lo'a
- contrasted with na'a: Alien alphabets
- lo'e
- relationship to lo'i: Descriptors for typical objects
- lo'i
- as set counterpart of loi: Masses and sets
- contrasted with lo and loi: Masses and sets
- relationship to lo'e: Descriptors for typical objects
- with elided quantifiers: Special mekso selbri
- lo'o
- effect of logical connective on elidability of: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- lo'u
- interaction with bu: The universal bu
- lo-series cmavo
- rationale for implicit inner quantifier: Quantified descriptions
- rule for implicit inner quantifier: Quantified descriptions
- lo-series description
- caution on exact numbers as inner quantifiers on: Quantified descriptions
- logic
- and attitudinals: What's wrong with this picture?
- limits of: What's wrong with this picture?
- resolving ambiguities of "nobody": What's wrong with this picture?
- logic and Lojban
- more aspects: Conclusion
- logical connection
- effect on elidability of lo'o: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- grouping strategies for complex cases contrasted: Grouping of afterthought connectives
- in abstractions
- inner bridi contrasted with outer bridi: Abstractor connection and connection within abstractions
- in mathematical expressions: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- in tanru
- contrasted with unconnected version: Logical connection within tanru
- expandability of: Logical connection within tanru
- grouping with bo: Logical connection within tanru
- grouping with ke: Logical connection within tanru
- inside abstractions
- contrasted with outside: Abstractor connection and connection within abstractions
- interaction with tenses: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- negation in connecting more than 2 sentences: More than two propositions
- of bridi-tail as opposed to tanru: Logical connection within tanru
- of bridi-tails
- forethought: Multiple compound bridi
- restriction on ke: Multiple compound bridi
- of forethought termsets: Termset logical connection
- of modals: Logical and non-logical connection of modals
- of more than 2 sentences
- all or none: More than two propositions
- forethought: More than two propositions
- things to avoid: More than two propositions
- of observatives
- relation of first places: Compound bridi
- of selbri: Compound bridi
- of sumti
- grouping with parentheses: Grouping of afterthought connectives
- restriction on ke: Grouping of afterthought connectives
- of tanru
- caveat: Logical connection within tanru
- of tanru as opposed to bridi-tail: Logical connection within tanru
- termsets: Termset logical connection
- transformation between forms: sumti connection
- with bo
- precedence: Grouping of afterthought connectives
- logical connection of abstractors: Abstractor connection and connection within abstractions
- logical connection of more than 2 sentences
- mixed "and" and "or": More than two propositions
- logical connectives: Logical connection and truth tables
- associative: More than two propositions
- bridi-tail connection: Compound bridi
- cmavo
- format for each selma'o: The six types of logical connectives
- effect on elidability of ge'u from preceding relative phrase: Relative phrases
- equivalence relation on 3 sentences: More than two propositions
- grouping with bo: Grouping of afterthought connectives
- in tanru: Logical connection within tanru
- more than 2 sentences: More than two propositions
- negated first sentence as a potential problem for understanding: Forethought bridi connection
- non-associative: More than two propositions
- observative sentence connection: Compound bridi
- pairing from left: More than two propositions
- rationale for multiple sets in grammar: The six types of logical connectives
- recipes
- simplified for logic chapter discussion: bridi negation and logical connectives
- relation to truth functions: The Four basic vowels
- relative precedence with me'u: selbri based on sumti: me
- right-grouping with bo: Grouping of afterthought connectives
- selma'o
- enumerated: The six types of logical connectives
- syntax rules summary: Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives
- table by truth function value: Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
- tensed: Tensed logical connectives
- logical connectives and bridi negation: bridi negation and logical connectives
- logical connectives and negation
- caveat for logic chapter discussions: bridi negation and logical connectives
- logical connectives in tanru: Logical connection within tanru
- ambiguity of: Logical connection within tanru
- effect on formal logical manipulations: Logical connection within tanru
- effect on tanru grouping: Logical connection within tanru
- usefulness of: Logical connection within tanru
- logical connectives within negation
- effects of expansion on: Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- logical language
- truth functions: Logical connection and truth tables
- Logical Language Group
- example: lujvo-making examples
- relation to Lojban: What is Lojban?
- logical variables
- creating more by subscripting: A few notes on variables
- effect of global substitution: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- effect of order in prenex: Universal claims
- effect of using multiple different: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- explicitly placing in outer prenex: The problem of “any”
- for selbri: selbri variables
- implicit placement in smallest enclosing bridi prenex: The problem of “any”
- notation convention: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- when not in main bridi: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- with multiple appearances in bridi: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- with poi
- in multiple appearances: Dropping the prenex
- with ro
- in multiple appearances: Dropping the prenex
- logically connected sentences
- and DeMorgan's Law: Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- logically connected tenses
- definition: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- expansion to sentences: Logical and non-logical connections between tenses
- with JA: Logical and non-logical connections between tenses
- Loglan: Informal Bibliography
- logograms
- words for: The universal bu
- loi
- as mass counterpart of lo: Individuals and masses
- contrasted with lei in specificity: Individuals and masses
- contrasted with lo and lo'i: Masses and sets
- Lojban
- features of: What is Lojban?
- history of: What is Lojban?
- stability of: What is this book?
- Lojban alphabet: Orthography
- Lojban letters
- IPA for pronouncing: Basic Phonetics
- list with IPA pronunciation: Basic Phonetics
- Lojbanistan: What is this book?
- long rafsi
- definition: rafsi
- long rafsi form
- compared with short form in effect on lujvo meaning: lujvo
- loose association
- expressing with pe: Relative phrases
- lower case letters
- use in Lojban: Upper and lower cases
- lower-case
- lerfu word for: Upper and lower cases
- lower-case letters
- English usage contrasted with Lojban: Upper and lower cases
- Lojban usage contrasted with English: Upper and lower cases
- lower-case word
- effect on following lerfu words: Upper and lower cases
- lu
- contrasted with me'o for representing lerfu: References to lerfu
- lu'a
- effect of on meaning: sumti qualifiers
- lu'e
- as short for "le sinxa be": sumti qualifiers
- effect of on meaning: sumti qualifiers
- lu'i
- effect of on meaning: sumti qualifiers
- lu'o
- effect of on meaning: sumti qualifiers
- lu'u
- as elidable terminator for qualified sumti: sumti qualifiers
- lujvo
- abbreviated: Eliding SE rafsi from seltau
- abstract: Abstract lujvo
- algorithm for: The lujvo-making algorithm
- and consonant pairs: rafsi
- and plausibility: Considerations for making lujvo
- and seltau/tertau relationship: The meaning of lujvo
- and the listener: Considerations for making lujvo
- as a subtype of brivla: brivla
- as suppliers of agent place: Notes on gismu place structures
- asymmetrical: Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo
- based on multiple tanru: Considerations for making lujvo
- cmavo incorporation: Why have lujvo?
- comparatives: Comparatives and superlatives
- compared with tanru: Why have lujvo?
- consideration in choosing meaning for: Considerations for making lujvo
- considerations for retaining elements of: Considerations for making lujvo
- construction of: lujvo
- definition
- quick-tour version: Lojban grammatical terms
- design consideration for relationship: The meaning of lujvo
- dropping elements of: Considerations for making lujvo
- dropping SE rafsi: Eliding SE rafsi from seltau
- examples of making: The lujvo scoring algorithm
- from cmavo with no rafsi: rafsi
- from tanru: lujvo
- fully reduced: rafsi
- guidelines for place structure: Why have lujvo?
- interpreting: The meaning of lujvo
- invention of: lujvo
- meaning drift of: Considerations for making lujvo
- meaning of: lujvo
- multiple forms of: lujvo
- place structure of figurative lujvo: Miscellaneous indicators
- pro-sumti rafsi effect on place structure of: lujvo based on pro-sumti
- quick-tour version: Examples of brivla
- rationale for: Why have lujvo?
- recognizing: rafsi
- rules for formation of: lujvo
- scored examples of: The lujvo scoring algorithm
- scoring of: The lujvo-making algorithm
- selection of best form of: The lujvo-making algorithm
- shorter for more general concepts: Considerations for making lujvo
- summary of form characteristics: rafsi
- superlatives: Comparatives and superlatives
- symmetrical: Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo
- ultimate guideline for choice of meaning/place-structure: Considerations for making lujvo
- unambiguity of: Considerations for making lujvo
- unambiguous decomposition of: lujvo
- unreduced: rafsi
- unsuitability of for concrete/specific terms and jargon: fu'ivla
- with zei: rafsi
- zi'o rafsi effect on place structure of: lujvo based on pro-sumti
- lujvo creation
- interaction of KE with NAhE: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
- interaction of KE with SE: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
- use of multiple SE in: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
- lujvo form
- consonant cluster requirement in: rafsi
- final letter of: rafsi
- hierarchy of priorities for selection of: The lujvo scoring algorithm
- number of letters in: rafsi
- requirements for hyphen insertion in: rafsi
- requirements for n-hyphen insertion in: rafsi
- requirements for r-hyphen insertion in: rafsi
- requirements for y-hyphen insertion in: rafsi
- lujvo place order: Ordering lujvo places.
- asymmetrical lujvo: Ordering lujvo places.
- based on 3-or-more part veljvo: lujvo with more than two parts.
- comparatives: Comparatives and superlatives
- rationale for standardization: Ordering lujvo places.
- superlatives: Comparatives and superlatives
- superlatives as exceptions: Comparatives and superlatives
- symmetrical lujvo: Ordering lujvo places.
- lujvo place structure
- "ni" lujvo: Abstract lujvo
- "nu" lujvo: Abstract lujvo
- basis of: Selecting places
- comparative lujvo: Comparatives and superlatives
- cross-dependent places: Dependent places
- dependent places: Dependent places
- dropping "KE": Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
- dropping "KEhE": Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
- dropping cross-dependent places: Dependent places
- dropping dependent places
- caveat: Dependent places
- dropping dependent seltau places: Dependent places
- dropping dependent tertau places: Dependent places
- dropping redundant places: The meaning of lujvo
- effect of "SE": Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo
- effect of "SE"-dropping in tertau: Eliding SE rafsi from tertau
- explicated walk-through: The meaning of lujvo
- guidelines: Why have lujvo?
- multi-place abstraction lujvo: Abstract lujvo
- notation conventions: The meaning of lujvo
- rationale for standardization: Selecting places
- selecting tertau: Dependent places
- superlatives: Comparatives and superlatives
- when first place redundant with non-first: Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo
- when first places redundant: Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo
- when first places redundant plus others: Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo
- ma
- as sumti question: sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo
- for tense questions: Tense questions: cu'e
- ma'o
- potential ambiguity caveat: Miscellany
- ma'u
- with elided number: Indefinite numbers
- mai
- contrasted with mo'o: Other uses of mekso
- MAI selma'o
- exception on use of boi before: Other uses of mekso
- male sexual teacher
- example: lujvo-making examples
- man biting dog: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- marathon: Types of event abstractions
- Mars road
- example: Conversion: SE
- mass
- compared with set as abstract of multiple individuals: Masses and sets
- contrasted with ordered sequence: Non-logical connectives
- contrasted with set in attribution of component properties: Masses and sets
- contrasted with set in distribution of properties: Non-logical connectives
- expressing measurement standard for indefinites: Special mekso selbri
- expressing relation with individuals forming: Special mekso selbri
- expressing relation with set forming: Special mekso selbri
- joining elements into a: Non-logical connectives
- mass contrasted with components
- in properties of: Non-logical connectives
- mass name
- use of: Individuals and masses
- mass object
- and logical reasoning: Individuals and masses
- as dependent on intention: Individuals and masses
- contrasted with multiple individual objects: Individuals and masses
- properties of: Individuals and masses
- mass objects
- peculiarities of English translation of: Individuals and masses
- masses
- rule for implicit outer quantifier: Quantified descriptions
- mathematical equality
- expressing: Simple infix expressions and equations
- mathematical expression
- referring to: Other uses of mekso
- mathematical expressions
- connectives in: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- implicit quantifier for: Number summary
- tensed connection in: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- mathematical expressions in tanru: Other kinds of simple selbri
- mathematical intervals: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- mathematical notation
- and omitted operators: Introductory
- and operator precedence: Simple infix expressions and equations
- infix: Simple infix expressions and equations
- international uniqueness of: Introductory
- mathematical operators: Simple infix expressions and equations
- mathematical texts
- effect on lerfu shift scope: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- mathematical variables
- lerfu strings as: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- mathematics
- use of lerfu strings in: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- matrices
- use as operands: Vectors and matrices
- use of parentheses with: Vectors and matrices
- matrix
- as combination of vectors: Vectors and matrices
- definition: Vectors and matrices
- with ge'a for more than 2 rows/columns: Vectors and matrices
- with more than 2 dimensions: Vectors and matrices
- matrix column operator: Vectors and matrices
- matrix row operator: Vectors and matrices
- mau
- avoiding in favor of seme'a: Modal relative phrases; Comparison
- Mayan mathematics
- as a system with base larger than 16: Non-decimal and compound bases
- me
- compared with du in effect: selbri based on sumti: me
- explicitly specifying: Vocative scales
- place structure of: selbri based on sumti: me
- used with names: selbri based on sumti: me
- me'a
- avoiding in favor of semau: Modal relative phrases; Comparison
- me'i
- with elided number: Approximation and inexact numbers
- me'o: Number summary
- as a prefix for logograms: The universal bu
- compared with la'e lu: References to lerfu
- contrasted with li: Other uses of mekso
- contrasted with lu…li'u for representing lerfu: References to lerfu
- contrasted with quotation for representing lerfu: References to lerfu
- relation to li compared with la/zo relation: Other uses of mekso
- me'u
- relative precedence with logical connectives: selbri based on sumti: me
- me/du equivalence: selbri based on sumti: me
- measurements
- expressing: Simple infix expressions and equations
- medieval weapon: lujvo with more than two parts.
- mei
- place structure formed for objective indefinites: Special mekso selbri
- mekso
- and literary translation: Four score and seven: a mekso problem
- complex used as quantifier: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- design goals: Introductory
- mekso chapter
- completeness: Introductory
- table notation convention: Introductory
- mekso goal
- coverage: Introductory
- expandable: Introductory
- for common use: Introductory
- for mathematical writing: Introductory
- precision: Introductory
- unambiguous: Introductory
- mekso goals
- and ambiguity: Introductory
- and non-mathematical expression: Introductory
- mathematical notation form: Introductory
- melting: Notes on gismu place structures
- membership
- property of sets: Masses and sets
- mental activity: Predication/sentence abstraction
- mental discomfort
- example: Emotional categories
- metalinguistic comment
- with embedded discursive: Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
- metalinguistic levels: Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
- metalinguistic levels or reference: Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
- metalinguistic pro-sumti: Pro-sumti summary
- implicit quantifier for: Pro-sumti summary
- metalinguistic words
- quick-tour version: Indicators
- mi'e
- contrasted with other members of COI: Vocative scales
- effect of ordering multiple COI: Vocative scales
- mi'u
- contrasted with go'i: Discursives
- mi-series
- of pro-sumti: Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
- mi-series pro-sumti
- lack of pro-bridi equivalent: Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
- mintu
- contrasted with du: The identity predicate: du
- misinterpretation: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
- mixed claim
- definition: Universal claims
- mixed modal connection
- afterthought: Mixed modal connection
- as proscribed in forethought: Mixed modal connection
- definition: Mixed modal connection
- of bridi-tails: Mixed modal connection
- of sentences: Mixed modal connection
- of sumti: Mixed modal connection
- mo
- as selbri question: sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo
- compared with go'i in overriding of arguments: sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo
- mo'e
- terminator for: Using Lojban resources within mekso
- mo'o
- contrasted with mai: Other uses of mekso
- modal bridi-tail connection: Other modal connections
- modal causals
- implication differences: Modal sentence connection: the causals
- modal cmavo
- basis in gismu place structure: Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
- position relative to selbri: Tenses and bridi negation
- regular form for derivation: CV'V cmavo of selma'o BAI with irregular forms
- table with English equivalents: Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
- modal cmavo table
- format of: Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents
- modal connection
- simultaneous with logical: Mixed modal connection
- modal connection of selbri
- using bridi-tail modal connection: Other modal connections
- modal connectives
- fi'o prohibited in: Other modal connections
- modal conversion
- access to original first place with fai: Modal conversion: JAI
- grammar of: Modal conversion: JAI
- place structure of: Modal conversion: JAI
- with no modal specified: Modal conversion: JAI
- modal conversion with fi'o: Modal conversion: JAI
- modal conversion without modal
- as vague: Modal conversion: JAI
- modal conversions
- in descriptions: Modal conversion: JAI
- modal followed by selbri
- compared with tanru modification in meaning: Modal selbri
- contrasted with tanru modification in grammar: Modal selbri
- effect on eliding cu: Modal selbri
- modal operand connection: Other modal connections
- modal place
- definition: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- on description selbri: Modal tags: BAI
- rationale for term name: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- relation of to selbri: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- modal place relation
- importance of first place in: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- modal sentence connection: Modal sentence connection: the causals
- condensing: Other modal connections
- effect on modal: Modal sentence connection: the causals
- forethought: Other modal connections
- relation to modal of first sentence in: Modal sentence connection: the causals
- relation to modal of second sentence in: Modal sentence connection: the causals
- table of equivalent schemata: Tenses versus modals
- with other than causals: Modal sentence connection: the causals
- modal sumti
- and FA marking: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- as first place of modal tag selbri: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- definition (see also seltcita sumti): Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- effect on place structure: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- leaving vague: Modal selbri
- position in bridi: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- unspecified: Modal selbri
- modal sumti connection: Other modal connections
- modal tag
- definition (see also sumtcita): Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- fi'o with selbri as: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- for vague relationship: Modal tags: BAI
- modal tags
- contrasted with English prepositions in preciseness: Modal tags: BAI
- short forms as BAI cmavo: Modal tags: BAI
- modal tags and sumtcita: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
- modal-or-tense question
- with cu'e: Tense questions: cu'e
- modal-or-tense questions
- pre-specifying some information: Tense questions: cu'e
- modals
- compared with tenses in syntax: Tenses versus modals
- contradictory negation of: Modal negation
- contrasted with tenses in semantics: Tenses versus modals
- expanding scope over inner modal connection: Modal selbri
- expanding scope over logical connection with ke ... ke'e: Modal selbri
- expanding scope over multiple sentences with tu'e…tu'u: Modal selbri
- expanding scope over non-logical connection: Modal selbri
- for causal gismu: Modal sentence connection: the causals
- importance of 1st sumti place for sumtcita use: Tenses versus modals
- improving relative phrase preciseness with : Modal relative phrases; Comparison
- making long-scope: Sticky modals
- making sticky: Sticky modals
- negation of: Modal negation
- scalar negation of: Modal negation
- termset connection: Other modal connections
- modals often attached with relative phrases
- list: Modal relative phrases; Comparison
- modifier
- seltau as: Simple tanru
- modifying brivla (see also seltau): lujvo
- MOI selma'o
- use of boi before: Special mekso selbri
- more than
- contrasted with less than
- at least, at most: Approximation and inexact numbers
- morphology
- conventions for: Introductory
- definition: Introductory
- derivational: Introductory
- simplicity of: Introductory
- symbolic conventions for discussing: Introductory
- movement
- order in tense constructs: Movement in space: MOhI
- time: Movement in space: MOhI
- with multiple directions: Movement in space: MOhI
- movement specification
- interaction with direction in tenses: Movement in space: MOhI
- mu'e
- place structure: Types of event abstractions
- multiple compound bridi
- restriction on ke: Multiple compound bridi
- multiple conversion
- avoiding: Conversion: SE
- effect of ordering: Conversion: SE
- multiple indefinite sumti
- effect of re-ordering in sentence: Grouping of quantifiers
- expressing with equal scope: Grouping of quantifiers
- meaning: Grouping of quantifiers
- multiple indefinite sumti scope
- in termset: Grouping of quantifiers
- multiple indicators: The uses of indicators
- multiple individual objects
- contrasted with mass object: Individuals and masses
- meaning of: Individuals and masses
- multiple letters
- proposed lerfu words for: Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters
- multiple logical connectives
- within tanru: Logical connection within tanru
- multiple ma
- as multiple questions: sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo
- multiple mo
- as multiple questions: sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo
- multiple quantification
- effect on selbri placement among sumti: Using naku outside a prenex
- multiple questions in one bridi
- expressing: sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo
- multiple relative clauses
- attaching with zi'e: Multiple relative clauses: zi'e
- connecting different kinds with zi'e: Multiple relative clauses: zi'e
- multiple SE
- effect of ordering: Conversion: SE
- multiple speakers: Erasure: SI, SA, SU
- multiple sumti in one place
- avoiding: Tagging places: FA
- multiple tanru inversion
- effect on grouping: Inversion of tanru: co
- multiple tenses
- effect of order in sentence: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- myth
- example: Evidentials
- n-hyphen
- contrasted with r-hyphen in requirements for use: rafsi
- use of: lujvo, rafsi
- na
- and negation boundary: Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- order in logical connectives with se: Logical connection of bridi
- na and tense
- multiple: Tenses and bridi negation
- na writing convention
- in eks: sumti connection
- na'a
- contrasted with lo'a: Alien alphabets
- na'e
- before gu'e: Scalar negation of selbri
- contrasted with na'e ke: Scalar negation of selbri
- na'u
- terminator for: Using Lojban resources within mekso
- use in asking operator questions: Other uses of mekso
- NAhE selma'o: sumti qualifiers
- effect of relative clause placement with: Relative clauses and complex sumti: vu'o
- nai
- effect on intervals: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- effect on joiks: More about non-logical connectives
- placement in afterthought bridi connection contrasted with forethought: Forethought bridi connection
- placement in forethought bridi connection contrasted with afterthought: Forethought bridi connection
- naku
- as creating a negation boundary: Using naku outside a prenex
- compared with sumti in grammar: Using naku outside a prenex
- effect on moving quantifiers: Using naku outside a prenex
- in linked sumti places: Using naku outside a prenex
- multiple in sentence: Using naku outside a prenex
- outside of prenex: Using naku outside a prenex
- naku negation
- rationale for considering an advanced technique: Using naku outside a prenex
- naku negation boundary
- effect on conversion with se: Using naku outside a prenex
- naku su'oda
- as expansion of noda: Negation boundaries
- naku zo'u
- and negation boundary: Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- name equivalent for typical
- rationale for lack of: Descriptors for typical objects
- name words
- recognition of: Lojban names
- name-words
- permissible consonant combinations: Lojban names
- names
- algorithm for: cmevla
- as possessive sumti: Possessive sumti
- assigning with goi: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- authority for: cmevla
- borrowing from other languages: Lojban names
- examples of: cmevla
- from Lojban words: cmevla
- in vocative phrase: Lojban names
- multiple: Lojban names
- pause requirement in lerfu words: The universal bu
- purpose of: cmevla
- quick-tour version: Words that can act as sumti
- rationale for lojbanizing: cmevla
- rules for: cmevla
- rules for formation: cmevla
- stress in: cmevla, cmevla
- two kinds of: Lojban names
- unusual stress in: cmevla
- uses of: Lojban names
- using rafsi: Lojban names
- with LA descriptor: Lojban names
- names from vowel-final base
- commonly used consonant endings: Lojban names
- names in Lojban (see also cmevla): cmevla
- names with la
- implicit quantifier for: Lojban names
- naming predicate: The three basic description types
- natural end
- continuing beyond: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- contrasted with actual stop: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- nau
- effect on sticky tenses: Tenses in subordinate bridi
- syntax: Tenses in subordinate bridi
- Navajo
- example: fu'ivla
- ne
- compared with pe: Relative phrases
- need any box: The problem of “any”
- negated intervals
- meaning of: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- negating a forethought-connected bridi-tail pair: Multiple compound bridi
- negating a forethought-connected sentence pair: Multiple compound bridi
- negating a sentence
- and truth value: Logical connection and truth tables
- negation
- complex examples: Scalar negation of selbri
- form for emulating natural language negation: Using naku outside a prenex
- of operand: Miscellany
- of operator: Miscellany
- of tenses: Tense negation
- negation and logical connectives
- caveat for logic chapter discussions: bridi negation and logical connectives
- negation between sentences
- compared with bridi negation: bridi negation and logical connectives
- meaning of: bridi negation and logical connectives
- negation boundary
- and zero: Negation boundaries
- effect of moving: Negation boundaries
- negation cmavo
- position relative to selbri: Tenses and bridi negation
- negation in prenex
- effects of position: Negation boundaries
- negation manipulation
- "na" contrasted with "naku" in difficulty of: Using naku outside a prenex
- "naku" contrasted with "na" in difficulty of: Using naku outside a prenex
- negation of fi'o modals
- by negating selbri: Modal negation
- negation of modals: Modal negation
- contradictory: Modal negation
- scalar: Modal negation
- negation of tenses
- meaning of: Tense negation
- negation sumti qualifiers
- meanings of: sumti qualifiers
- negations with logical connectives
- effects on expansion of sentence: Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- negative answer
- quick-tour version: Questions
- negative numbers
- expressing: Signs and numerical punctuation
- negative sign
- contrasted with subtraction operator: Special numbers
- negator
- movement from bridi to sumti: Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- new notation: The meaning of lujvo
- ni'e
- terminator for: Using Lojban resources within mekso
- ni'o
- effect on pro-sumti/pro-bridi assignments: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- ni'u
- with elided number: Indefinite numbers
- no'i
- effect on pro-sumti/pro-bridi assignments: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- no'u
- compared with po'u: Relative phrases
- contrasted with po'u: Relative phrases
- nobody
- ambiguous interpretations of: What's wrong with this picture?
- interpretation of: What's wrong with this picture?
- Lojban contrasted with English: What's wrong with this picture?
- noda
- expanding to naku su'oda: Negation boundaries
- noisy environments
- proposed lerfu words for: Proposed lerfu words for radio communication
- non-logical connection
- and elidability of terminators: Non-logical connectives
- in mathematical expressions: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- in tanru
- distinguishing from connection of sumti: Non-logical connectives
- of individuals into mass: Non-logical connectives
- of individuals into set: Non-logical connectives
- of modals: Logical and non-logical connection of modals
- of operands: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- of operators: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- of sumti
- distinguishing from connection in tanru: Non-logical connectives
- of termsets: More about non-logical connectives
- non-logical connectives
- effect of nai on: More about non-logical connectives
- grouping: More about non-logical connectives
- including tense: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- intervals: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- ordered intervals: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- sentence: More about non-logical connectives
- syntax rules summary: Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives
- un-ordered intervals: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- within tanru: Logical connection within tanru
- non-logical forethought termsets
- connecting tagged sumti: More about non-logical connectives
- non-logically connected tenses: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- non-Lojban quotation: Quotation summary
- non-Lojban text
- rules for pause with: Rules for inserting pauses
- non-restrictive relative clause
- definition (see also incidental relative clause): Incidental relative clauses
- non-specific descriptions: The three basic description types
- non-standard orthographies
- caveat: Oddball Orthographies
- Cyrillic: Oddball Orthographies
- Tengwar: Oddball Orthographies
- nonagenarian: Comparatives and superlatives
- normal circumstances: Event abstraction
- notation conventions
- for Quick Tour chapter: The concept of the bridi
- nouns
- brivla as Lojban equivalents: brivla
- nu
- definition: Event abstraction
- place structure: Event abstraction
- nu'a
- use in answering operator questions: Other uses of mekso
- null operand
- for infix operations with too few operands: Infix operators revisited
- null operator
- for infix operations with too many operands: Infix operators revisited
- number article
- explanation of use: Simple infix expressions and equations
- number questions: Number questions
- answers to: Number questions
- number sumti
- syntax of: Number summary
- with li: Number summary
- with li contrasted with me'o: Number summary
- with me'o: Number summary
- with me'o contrasted with li: Number summary
- number words
- pattern in: Lojban numbers
- numbers
- as compound cmavo: Lojban numbers
- as grammatically complete utterances: Number questions
- as possessive sumti: Possessive sumti
- cmavo as Lojban equivalents: cmavo
- English contrasted with Lojban on exactness: Variables with generalized quantifiers
- expressing simple: Lojban numbers
- greater than 9: Lojban numbers
- implicit quantifier for: Number summary
- list of indefinite: Complete table of PA cmavo: digits, punctuation, and other numbers.
- list of special: Complete table of PA cmavo: digits, punctuation, and other numbers.
- Lojban contrasted with English on exactness: Variables with generalized quantifiers
- on logical variables: Variables with generalized quantifiers
- rafsi for: rafsi
- special: Special numbers
- talking about contrasted with using for quantification: Simple infix expressions and equations
- using for quantification contrasted with talking about: Simple infix expressions and equations
- numeric digits in lerfu words
- grammar considerations: What about Chinese characters?
- numerical punctuation: Signs and numerical punctuation
- undefined: Special numbers
- numerical selbri
- alternative to compensate for restriction on numbers: Special mekso selbri
- based on non-numerical sumti: Special mekso selbri
- complex: Special mekso selbri
- grammar: Special mekso selbri
- restriction on numbers used for: Special mekso selbri
- special: Special mekso selbri
- with lerfu strings: Special mekso selbri
- use of "me" with: Special mekso selbri
- numerical tenses
- effect on use of boi: Other uses of mekso
- PA selma'o
- exception on use of boi with MOI: Special mekso selbri
- members with rafsi: Miscellany
- paragraph separation
- spoken text: Paragraphs: NIhO
- written text: Paragraphs: NIhO
- paragraphs
- effects on scope: Paragraphs: NIhO
- separator: Paragraphs: NIhO
- parasitic worms
- example: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
- parentheses
- for complex mekso used as quantifier: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- parenthesis
- mathematical: Simple infix expressions and equations
- partial quotation: Miscellaneous indicators
- parts of speech: Introductory
- passive voice: Varying the order of sumti
- past event
- possible extension into present: Vague intervals and non-specific tenses
- pastward
- as a spatial tense: Dimensionality: VIhA
- paternal grandmother
- example: lujvo
- pau
- placement in sentence: Miscellaneous indicators
- pausative event contour: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- pause
- and cmevla: Rules for inserting pauses
- and consonant-final words: Rules for inserting pauses
- and Cy-form cmavo: Rules for inserting pauses
- and final-syllable stress: Rules for inserting pauses
- and non-Lojban text: Rules for inserting pauses
- and vowel-initial words: Rules for inserting pauses
- between words: Rules for inserting pauses
- contrasted with stop: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- contrasted with syllable break: The Special Lojban Characters
- proscribed within words: Rules for inserting pauses
- representation of in Lojban: The Special Lojban Characters
- requirement between stressed syllables: cmavo
- symbol for: The universal bu
- word for: The universal bu
- pauses
- before vowels: cmavo
- rules for: Rules for inserting pauses
- pe
- as loose association: Relative phrases
- compared with ne: Relative phrases
- compared with poi ke'a srana: Relative phrases
- contrasted with po: Relative phrases
- pe'u
- contrasted with e'o: Vocative scales
- peace symbol: Computerized character codes
- percent
- as numerical punctuation: Signs and numerical punctuation
- perils of omitting terminators: Scalar negation of selbri
- period
- definition of: The Special Lojban Characters
- example of: The Special Lojban Characters
- optional: The Special Lojban Characters
- quick-tour version: Pronunciation
- within a word: The Special Lojban Characters
- personal pro-sumti: Pro-sumti summary
- implicit cancellation of by change of speaker/listener: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- implicit quantifier for: Pro-sumti summary
- stability of: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- personal pronouns
- with ko'a-series for he/she/it/they: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- with mi-series for I/you: Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
- personal pronouns for he/she/it/they
- English contrasted with Lojban in organization: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- Pheidippides: Types of event abstractions
- phonetic alphabet: Basic Phonetics
- Phonetic Alphabet
- proposed lerfu words for: Proposed lerfu words for radio communication
- physical distress
- example: Emotional categories
- pi'u
- contrasted with .e: More about non-logical connectives
- use in connecting tenses: Sub-events
- pictures
- credits for: Acknowledgements and Credits
- pinyin
- as a basis for Chinese characters in Lojban lerfu words: What about Chinese characters?
- piro
- explanation of meaning: Quantified descriptions
- pisu'o
- explanation of meaning: Quantified descriptions
- place structure
- adding new places to with modal sumti: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- definition: Introductory
- definition of: The concept of the bridi
- effect of FA on: Tagging places: FA
- effect of modal conversion on: Modal conversion: JAI
- empty slots in: Introductory
- explicitly mapping sumti to place with FA: Tagging places: FA
- gismu: Notes on gismu place structures
- instability of: Introductory
- leaving a sumti place unspecified in with zo'e: Standard bridi form: cu
- notation conventions: Introductory
- re-ordering by conversion: Conversion of simple selbri
- place structure and tanru inversion: Inversion of tanru: co
- place structure of selbri
- determining: Introductory
- place structure order
- effect of FA on: Tagging places: FA
- place structure questions: Tagging places: FA
- place structures
- omitting places with FA: Tagging places: FA
- omitting places with zo'e: Standard bridi form: cu
- plants
- use of fu'ivla for specific: fu'ivla
- plausibility
- in abbreviated lujvo: Eliding SE rafsi from seltau
- playgrounds: Dependent places
- pleases: The sumti di'u and la'e di'u
- plural
- Lojban equivalent of: Approximation and inexact numbers
- plural masses
- possible use for: Quantified descriptions
- plurals
- Lojban contrasted with English in necessity of marking: The three basic description types
- plurals with le
- meaning of: Individuals and masses
- pluta
- contrasted with ve klama: Conversion: SE
- po
- as restrictive possession: Relative phrases
- compared with poi ke'a se steci srana: Relative phrases
- contrasted with English possession: Relative phrases
- contrasted with pe: Relative phrases
- contrasted with po'e: Relative phrases
- po'e
- as intrinsic possession: Relative phrases
- compared with poi ke'a jinzi ke se steci srana: Relative phrases
- contrasted with po: Relative phrases
- po'o
- placement in sentence: Discursives
- po'u
- as identity: Relative phrases
- compared with no'u: Relative phrases
- compared with poi ke'a du: Relative phrases
- contrasted with no'u: Relative phrases
- relative phrase of contrasted with relativized sumti of: Relative phrases
- poi
- discussion of translation: What are you pointing at?
- dropping from multiple appearances on logical variables: Dropping the prenex
- syntax of: What are you pointing at?
- point
- event considered as: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- point-event abstraction
- place structure: Types of event abstractions
- point-event abstractions
- definition: Types of event abstractions
- related tense contours: Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
- point-event abstractor: Types of event abstractions
- pointing
- reference by: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- pointing cmavo
- quick-tour version: Words that can act as sumti
- police lineup: Number questions
- Polish notation
- and mekso goals: Introductory
- Polish notation mixed with infix: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- example: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- politeness
- thank you and you're welcome: Vocative scales
- you're welcome: Vocative scales, Vocative scales
- portion
- on set contrasted with on individual: Quantified descriptions
- portion selbri
- definition: Special mekso selbri
- place structure: Special mekso selbri
- place structure effect from subjective numbers: Special mekso selbri
- positive numbers
- explicit expression: Signs and numerical punctuation
- positive sign
- contrasted with addition operator: Simple infix expressions and equations
- possessed in relative phrases
- compared with possessor: Relative phrases
- possession
- expressing with po: Relative phrases
- intrinsic
- expressing with po'e: Relative phrases
- Lojban usage compared with French and German in omission/inclusion: Relative phrases
- Lojban usage contrasted with English in omission/inclusion: Relative phrases
- quick-tour version: Possession
- possession not ownership
- quick-tour version: Possession
- possessive sumti
- compared with relative phrase: Possessive sumti
- contrasted with relative phrases in complexity allowed: Possessive sumti
- definition: Possessive sumti
- effect on elidability of ku: Possessive sumti
- relative clauses on: Possessive sumti
- syntax allowed: Possessive sumti
- with relative clauses on possessive sumti: Possessive sumti
- possessive sumti and relative clauses
- development history: Possessive sumti
- possessive sumti with relative clauses
- effect of placement: Possessive sumti
- possessor in relative phrases
- compared with possessed: Relative phrases
- possessor sumti
- definition: Possessive sumti
- potential
- expressing in past/future: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
- potential events
- expressing implicitly: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
- precedence
- mathematical default: Simple infix expressions and equations
- precise erasures: Erasure: SI, SA, SU
- predicate answers: Questions and answers
- predication
- as a relationship: The concept of the bridi
- compared with bridi: The concept of the bridi
- prenex
- considerations for dropping: Dropping the prenex
- dropping for terseness: Dropping the prenex
- effect of order of variables in: Dropping the prenex
- explanation: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- internal to a bridi: The problem of “any”
- purpose of: Dropping the prenex
- removing when numeric quantifiers present: Variables with generalized quantifiers
- syntax of: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- use for outer sumti reference: Relative clauses within relative clauses
- prenex manipulation
- exporting na from left of prenex: bridi negation and logical connectives
- importing na from selbri: bridi negation and logical connectives
- moving naku past bound variable: bridi negation and logical connectives
- rules: bridi negation and logical connectives
- prenex scope
- for sentences joined by .i: A few notes on variables
- for sentences joined by ijeks: A few notes on variables
- in abstractions: A few notes on variables
- in embedded bridi: A few notes on variables
- in relative clauses: A few notes on variables
- informal: A few notes on variables
- prepositions
- cmavo as Lojban equivalents: cmavo
- pretty
- English ambiguity of: Complex tanru grouping
- pretty little girls' school
- forty ways: “Pretty little girls' school”: forty ways to say it
- previous topic: Paragraphs: NIhO
- primitive roots
- gismu as: brivla
- principle of consistency
- of logical-if statements: Logical connection of bridi
- pro-bridi
- as abbreviation for bridi: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- broda-series: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- compared to pro-sumti as means of abbreviation: What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?
- definition: What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?
- overriding sumti of antecedent bridi for: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- scope effect of new paragraph: Paragraphs: NIhO
- pro-bridi assignment
- explicit cancellation of with da'o: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- no'i effect on: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- stability of: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- pro-bridi rafsi
- as producing context-dependent meanings: lujvo based on pro-sumti
- pro-sumti
- and discursive utterances: Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
- as possessive sumti: Possessive sumti
- classes of: Pro-sumti summary
- compared to pro-bridi as means of abbreviation: What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?
- compared to pronouns in usage as abbreviations: What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?
- contrasted with description: The five kinds of simple sumti
- definition: What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?
- di'u-series: Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
- for listener(s): Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
- for listeners and/or speakers and/or others: Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
- for relativized sumti in relative clauses: Relativized pro-sumti: ke'a
- for speaker(s): Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
- implicit quantifier for: Pro-sumti summary
- ko'a-series: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- lerfu as: Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series
- lerfu string
- effect on reference to lerfu itself: References to lerfu
- lerfu strings
- interaction with quantifiers and boi: lerfu words as pro-sumti
- mi-series: Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
- quick-tour version: Words that can act as sumti
- rafsi for: lujvo based on pro-sumti
- referring to place of different bridi with go'i-series: Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series
- referring to place of same bridi with vo'a-series: Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series
- scope effect of new paragraph: Paragraphs: NIhO
- series: What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?
- ti-series: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- typical: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
- unspecified: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
- vo'a-series: Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series
- pro-sumti assignment
- explicit cancellation of with da'o: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- no'i effect on: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- stability of: Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling
- pro-sumti for "we"
- contrasted with English "we": Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
- pro-sumti for speaker/listener/others
- as masses: Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
- relation to joi: Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series
- pro-sumti for utterances: Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
- pro-sumti rafsi
- anticipated use of for abbreviating inconvenient forms: lujvo based on pro-sumti
- effect of on place structure of lujvo: lujvo based on pro-sumti
- probability selbri
- definition: Special mekso selbri
- place structure: Special mekso selbri
- place structure effect from subjective numbers: Special mekso selbri
- values: Special mekso selbri
- process abstraction
- place structure: Types of event abstractions
- process abstractions
- definition: Types of event abstractions
- related tense contours: Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
- process abstractor: Types of event abstractions
- process event
- described: Types of event abstractions
- pronouns
- as anaphora: Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series
- compared to pro-sumti in usage as abbreviations: What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?
- pronouns in English
- as independent of abbreviations: What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?
- as noun abbreviations: What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?
- pronunciation
- IPA for Lojban: Basic Phonetics
- quick-tour version: Pronunciation
- relation to orthography: Orthography
- standard: Basic Phonetics
- properties
- place structure: Property abstractions
- property abstraction
- specifying sumti place of property with ce'u: Abstraction focus pro-sumti: ce'u
- property abstractions
- specifying determining place by sumti ellipsis: Property abstractions
- specifying determining place with ce'u: Property abstractions
- sumti ellipsis in: Property abstractions
- use of multiple ce'u for relationship abstraction: Property abstractions
- proposed law: Eliding SE rafsi from seltau
- proposed lerfu words
- as working basis: Proposed lerfu words – introduction
- propositional
- of attitudinals: Propositional attitude indicators
- propositional attitudes: Predication/sentence abstraction
- compared with knowledge discursives: Discursives
- protocol
- computer communications using COI: Vocative scales
- parliamentary using COI: Vocative scales
- using vocatives: Vocative scales
- pu
- meaning as a sumtcita: Tenses as sumtcita
- meaning when following interval specification: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- PU selma'o
- compared with FAhA: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
- contradictory negation of: Tense negation
- PU tenses
- contrasted with ZAhO tenses in viewpoint: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- pu'o
- as pastward of event: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- derivation of word: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- explanation of derivation: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- pu'u
- place structure: Types of event abstractions
- punctuation
- in numbers: Signs and numerical punctuation
- list of numerical: Complete table of PA cmavo: digits, punctuation, and other numbers.
- punctuation lerfu words
- interaction with different alphabet systems: Punctuation marks
- mechanism for creating: Punctuation marks
- rationale for lau: Punctuation marks
- punctuation marks
- cmavo as Lojban equivalents: cmavo
- sa
- interaction with bu: The universal bu
- sa'a
- editorial insertion of text already containing sa'a: Miscellaneous indicators
- interaction with li'o: Miscellaneous indicators
- interaction with sei: Miscellaneous indicators
- interaction with to'i: Miscellaneous indicators
- Sapir-Whorf effects
- and emotional indicators: Tentative conclusion
- sarcasm
- example: Discursives
- expressing: Discursives
- scalar attitude: Attitudes as scales
- scalar negation
- effect on selbri: Scalar negation of selbri
- scalar negation of modals
- explanation of meaning: Modal negation
- scalar negation of non-logical connective: More about non-logical connectives
- scalar negation of tenses
- selma'o allowed with: Tense negation
- scale
- granular contrasted with continuous: Special mekso selbri
- scale selbri
- definition: Special mekso selbri
- place structure: Special mekso selbri
- place structure effect from subjective numbers: Special mekso selbri
- scientific names
- rules for: cmevla
- scientific notation
- rationale for order of places: Infix operators revisited
- with gei: Infix operators revisited
- score
- as 20-year span: Four score and seven: a mekso problem
- as alternate base for years: Four score and seven: a mekso problem
- se
- as grammatical in JOI compounds: Non-logical connectives
- in logical connective to exchange sentences: Logical connection of bridi
- order in logical connectives with na: Logical connection of bridi
- use with operators: Miscellany
- using to re-order logical variables: Dropping the prenex
- se du'u: Predication/sentence abstraction
- se klama
- place structure of: Conversion: SE
- SE selma'o
- after 5th place: Subscripts: XI
- effect of multiple on a selbri: Conversion: SE
- effect on place structure numbering: Conversion: SE
- effect on selbri place structure: Conversion: SE
- extending scope of: Conversion: SE
- for converting place structure: Conversion: SE
- rationale for no 1st place conversion: Conversion: SE
- scope of: Conversion: SE
- word formation of cmavo in: Conversion: SE
- se writing convention
- in eks: sumti connection
- se'e
- and number base convention: Computerized character codes
- se'u
- as elidable terminator for soi: Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series
- elidability considerations: Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series
- section numbering: Other uses of mekso
- selbri
- as part of description: The three basic description types
- brivla as: Lojban content words: brivla
- converting into an operand: Using Lojban resources within mekso
- converting into an operator: Using Lojban resources within mekso
- converting operator into: Other uses of mekso
- definition: Lojban content words: brivla, Introductory
- quick-tour version: Lojban grammatical terms
- lerfu string as: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- omitting with co'e: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
- place structure of: Introductory
- place structure of converted operator: Other uses of mekso
- relation to bridi: Lojban content words: brivla
- scalar negation of: Scalar negation of selbri
- with GOhA: Other kinds of simple selbri
- selbri from sumti: selbri based on sumti: me
- selbri list for quick tour: Some words used to indicate selbri relations
- selbri logical variables: selbri variables
- selbri place structure
- effect on operator formed by: Using Lojban resources within mekso
- selbri placement among sumti
- effect of multiple quantification on: Using naku outside a prenex
- selbri questions
- quick-tour version: Questions
- selbri variables
- form when not in prenex: selbri variables
- prenex form as indefinite description: selbri variables
- quantified: selbri variables
- selbri-first bridi
- effect on sumti places: Standard bridi form: cu
- effect on use of cu: Tagging places: FA
- specifying first sumti place in with fa: Tagging places: FA
- self-orientation
- example: Attitudinal modifiers
- selma'o
- cross-reference list of
- selma'o catalog: A Catalogue Of selma'o
- definition: cmavo
- quick-tour version: Lojban grammatical terms
- seltau
- compared with English adjective: lujvo
- compared with English adverb: lujvo
- definition: Inversion of tanru: co
- definition of: Simple tanru
- effect on meaning of tanru: Simple tanru
- filling sumti places in: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
- seltcita sumti
- definition (see also modal sumti): Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- sentence
- basic Lojban: Introductory
- sentences
- close grouping: Sentences: I
- connecting non-logically: More about non-logical connectives
- connecting with tense: Tense relations between sentences
- forethought tense connection of: Tense relations between sentences
- separator for joining: Sentences: I
- tenseless
- quick-tour version: Tenses
- separate questions
- quick-tour version: Questions
- separately tensed sentences
- contrasted with tense connected sentences: Tense relations between sentences
- sequence
- as an abstract list: Non-logical connectives
- contrasted with list: Non-logical connectives
- contrasted with set: sumti qualifiers
- sequence of events
- expressing non-time-related sequences: More about non-logical connectives
- sequence of tense rules
- Lojban contrasted with English: Tenses in subordinate bridi
- set
- as specified by members: Non-logical connectives
- by listing members with ce: Non-logical connectives
- compared with mass as abstract of multiple individuals: Masses and sets
- contrasted with mass in attribution of component properties: Masses and sets
- contrasted with mass in distribution of properties: Non-logical connectives
- contrasted with ordered sequence: Non-logical connectives
- expressing measurement standard for indefinites: Special mekso selbri
- expressing relation with individuals forming set: Special mekso selbri
- expressing relation with mass formed from set: Special mekso selbri
- set operations: More about non-logical connectives
- sets
- properties of: Masses and sets
- rule for implicit outer quantifier: Quantified descriptions
- use in Lojban place structure: Masses and sets
- sexual discomfort
- example: Emotional categories
- sexual teacher
- male
- example: lujvo-making examples
- shared bridi-tail sumti
- avoiding: Other modal connections
- shellfish: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
- shift
- single-letter
- grammar of: Upper and lower cases
- shift word
- for single letter: Upper and lower cases
- scope: Upper and lower cases
- shift words
- canceling effect: Alien alphabets
- for face: Alien alphabets
- for font: Alien alphabets
- shoehorn: Dependent places
- short rafsi: rafsi
- short rafsi form
- compared with long form in effect on lujvo meaning: lujvo
- si
- interaction with bu: The universal bu
- signed numbers
- expressing: Signs and numerical punctuation
- signs on numbers
- grammar: Signs and numerical punctuation
- simple sumti: The five kinds of simple sumti
- sinful
- example: Attitudinal modifiers
- single consonants
- contrasted with consonant clusters: Consonant Clusters
- contrasted with doubled consonants: Consonant Clusters
- single-letter shift
- as toggle: Upper and lower cases
- single-word quotation: Quotation summary
- size
- order with dimensionality in spatial tense intervals: Dimensionality: VIhA
- slinku'i test
- definition: fu'ivla
- slowdown: Types of event abstractions
- smiley face
- example: The universal bu
- word for: The universal bu
- soi
- use in expressing reciprocity: Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series
- use in expressing reciprocity with vo'a-series pro-sumti: Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series
- soi with one following sumti
- convention: Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series
- somebody
- contrasted with somebody else: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- something
- contrasted with someone: Restricted claims: da poi
- expressing using "su'o": Variables with generalized quantifiers
- unspecified definite with "zo'e": Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- sounds
- clarity of: Basic Phonetics
- complex: Basic Phonetics
- difficult: Basic Phonetics
- sounds for letters
- Lojban contrasted with English: Basic Phonetics
- source languages
- use in creating gismu: The gismu creation algorithm
- space
- as time-based metaphor: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- contrasted with time in number of directions: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
- space intervals
- compared with time intervals in continuity: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- space location
- as part of tense system (see also tense
- spatial tense): Introductory
- space tenses
- quick-tour version: Tenses
- space/time metaphor
- expressing direction mapping for: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- spaghetti: fu'ivla
- Spanish ch
- example: Accent marks and compound lerfu words
- Spanish ll
- example: Accent marks and compound lerfu words
- spatial contours
- as sumtcita: Tenses as sumtcita
- contrasted with temporal event contours: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- expressing: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- spatial directions
- list of: List of spatial directions and direction-like relations
- spatial information
- adding to a sentence with tense sumtcita: Tenses as sumtcita
- spatial interval modifiers
- order in tense: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- spatial intervals
- expressing degree of continuity over: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- spatial tense
- 4-dimensional interaction with temporal tense: Dimensionality: VIhA
- as an imaginary journey: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- as optional in English: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- compared with temporal tense in elidability: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- contrasted with temporal in dimensionality: Dimensionality: VIhA
- definition: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- direction: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- distance: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- four-dimensional: Dimensionality: VIhA
- linear: Dimensionality: VIhA
- one-dimensional: Dimensionality: VIhA
- order relative to temporal: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
- planar: Dimensionality: VIhA
- reference frame: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- referent of: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- three-dimensional: Dimensionality: VIhA
- two-dimensional: Dimensionality: VIhA
- spatial tense intervals
- order of size and dimensionality in: Dimensionality: VIhA
- order of VEhA and VIhA in: Dimensionality: VIhA
- spatial tenses
- as sumtcita: Tenses as sumtcita
- order of direction and distance specifications: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- speaker's state of knowledge: Discursives
- speaker-listener cooperation: Questions
- speaker-relative viewpoint
- contrasted with event-relative viewpoint: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- specific descriptions: The three basic description types
- specific terms
- use of fu'ivla for: fu'ivla
- specificity
- expressing with po: Relative phrases
- speech rhythm
- for grouping in English: Three-part tanru grouping with bo
- spelling out words
- Lojban contrasted with English in usefulness: A to Z in Lojban, plus one
- spiritual discomfort
- example: Emotional categories
- square brackets
- use of in notation: What are the typographical conventions of this book?
- standard bridi form
- definition: Standard bridi form: cu
- standard for subjective numbers
- specifying: Special mekso selbri
- standard pronunciation: Basic Phonetics
- starting marker: Erasure: SI, SA, SU
- state abstraction
- place structure: Types of event abstractions
- state abstractions
- definition: Types of event abstractions
- related tense contours: Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses
- state abstractor: Types of event abstractions
- state event
- described: Types of event abstractions
- steady speed: Types of event abstractions
- stereotypical
- as not derogatory in Lojban: Descriptors for typical objects
- compared with typical: Descriptors for typical objects
- stereotypical objects: Descriptors for typical objects
- sticky modals
- canceling: Sticky modals
- definition: Sticky modals
- fi'o proscribed from: Sticky modals
- sticky tenses
- and CAhA: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
- canceling: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- definition: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- effect of nau on: Tenses in subordinate bridi
- effect on future tense meaning: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- from part of a multiple tense: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- stop
- contrasted with finish: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- contrasted with pause: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- stories
- flow of time in: Story time
- story tense
- Lojban convention contrasted with English convention: Story time
- story time
- as a convention for inferring tense: Story time
- definition: Story time
- rationale for: Story time
- tenseless sentences in: Story time
- with no initial sticky time: Story time
- stress
- definition of: Syllabication And Stress
- effect of buffer vowel on: Buffering Of Consonant Clusters
- effect of syllabic consonants on: Diphthongs and Syllabic Consonants
- example: Emotional categories
- final syllable
- rules for pause after: Rules for inserting pauses
- irregular marked with upper-case: Upper and lower cases
- levels of: Syllabication And Stress
- on cmavo: cmavo
- primary: Syllabication And Stress
- quick-tour version: Pronunciation
- rules for: Syllabication And Stress
- secondary: Syllabication And Stress
- showing non-standard: Orthography
- stressed syllable
- compared with stressed vowel: Syllabication And Stress
- stressed vowel
- compared with stressed syllable: Syllabication And Stress
- structure of examples: What are the typographical conventions of this book?
- structure of this book: What is this book?
- structure words: cmavo
- su
- interaction with bu: The universal bu
- su'e
- with elided number: Approximation and inexact numbers
- su'o
- as implicit quantifier for quotations: Quantified sumti
- with elided number: Approximation and inexact numbers
- sub-subscripts: Subscripts
- subjective amounts
- expressing: Indefinite numbers
- subjective numbers
- effect on place structure for cardinal selbri: Special mekso selbri
- effect on place structure for ordinal selbri: Special mekso selbri
- effect on place structure for portion selbri: Special mekso selbri
- effect on place structure for probability selbri: Special mekso selbri
- effect on place structure for scale selbri: Special mekso selbri
- rationale for effect on place structure: Special mekso selbri
- specifying standard for: Special mekso selbri
- subjective portions
- expressing: Indefinite numbers
- subordinate clause tense
- effect of main bridi tense on: Tenses in subordinate bridi
- Lojban compared with Esperanto: Tenses in subordinate bridi
- Lojban compared with Russian: Tenses in subordinate bridi
- Lojban contrasted with English: Tenses in subordinate bridi
- subordinate clauses
- tense usage rules in English: Tenses in subordinate bridi
- subscripted topics: Paragraphs: NIhO
- subscripting: Subscripts: XI
- subscripts
- and fuzzy truths: Subscripts: XI
- and names: Subscripts: XI
- and paragraph separators: Subscripts: XI
- and pro-sumti: Subscripts: XI
- and sumti re-ordering: Subscripts: XI
- and tense: Subscripts: XI
- before main expression: Subscripts
- effects on elidability of terminators: Subscripts
- external grammar of: Subscripts
- for sticky tense: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- internal grammar of: Subscripts
- lerfu string as: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- mathematical: Subscripts: XI
- multiple as sub-subscript: Subscripts
- multiple for same base word: Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso
- on ke'a for nested relative clauses: Relativized pro-sumti: ke'a
- terminator for: Subscripts
- to form matrices of more than 2 dimensions: Vectors and matrices
- use with ke'a for outer sumti reference: Relative clauses within relative clauses
- use with logical variables: A few notes on variables
- subscripts on lerfu words
- effect on elidability of boi: Subscripts
- subsets
- expressing with outer quantifiers: Quantified descriptions
- subtraction operator
- contrasted with negative sign: Special numbers
- subtypes of words: brivla
- sumtcita
- based on event contours: Tenses as sumtcita
- based on spatial contours: Tenses as sumtcita
- based on tense direction: Tenses as sumtcita
- based on tense distance: Tenses as sumtcita
- based on tenses: Tenses as sumtcita
- definition (see also modal tag): Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- event contours contrasted with direction/distance as basis for: Tenses as sumtcita
- sumtcita and linked sumti: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
- sumtcita and modal tags: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
- sumtcita and tense tags: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
- sumtcita based on dimension: Tenses as sumtcita
- sumtcita based on event contours
- relation of main bridi to sumti process in: Tenses as sumtcita
- sumtcita based on interval continuousness: Tenses as sumtcita
- sumtcita based on interval properties: Tenses as sumtcita
- sumtcita based on interval size: Tenses as sumtcita
- sumtcita based on quantified tenses: Tenses as sumtcita
- sumti
- as having implicit quantifiers: Quantified sumti
- as objects in place structure slots: Introductory
- beginning with "ke": Grouping of afterthought connectives
- between descriptor and description selbri: Possessive sumti
- classified by types of objects referred to: Individuals and masses
- converting into an operand: Using Lojban resources within mekso
- definition: The five kinds of simple sumti, Introductory
- quick-tour version: Lojban grammatical terms
- descriptions as: The five kinds of simple sumti
- dropping trailing unspecified: Standard bridi form: cu
- explicitly mapping into place structure with FA: Tagging places: FA
- for individual objects: Individuals and masses
- for mass objects: Individuals and masses
- for set objects: Individuals and masses
- forethought tense connection of: Tense relations between sentences
- irrelevant to relationship: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
- kinds of: The five kinds of simple sumti
- multiple in one place with FA: Tagging places: FA
- names as: The five kinds of simple sumti
- numbers as: The five kinds of simple sumti
- omitted first place in selbri-first bridi: Standard bridi form: cu
- order in selbri: Standard bridi form: cu
- order in selbri-first bridi: Standard bridi form: cu
- pro-sumti as: The five kinds of simple sumti
- quotations as: The five kinds of simple sumti
- re-ordering with FA: Tagging places: FA
- relation with bridi: The concept of the bridi
- sumti connection
- afterthought: sumti connection
- forethought: sumti connection
- sumti in one place
- multiple ones: Tagging places: FA
- sumti into selbri: selbri based on sumti: me
- sumti logical connection: sumti connection
- compared with bridi logical connections: sumti connection
- contrasted with tanru logical connection: Logical connection within tanru
- rationale for: sumti connection
- sumti modal connection: Other modal connections
- sumti placement
- variant
- quick-tour version: Variant bridi structure
- sumti qualifiers
- as short forms for common special cases: sumti qualifiers
- elidable terminator for qualified sumti: sumti qualifiers
- external syntax of: sumti qualifiers
- for negation: sumti qualifiers
- internal syntax of: sumti qualifiers
- list of: sumti qualifiers
- sumti questions
- quick-tour version: Questions
- sumti reordering
- quick-tour version: Varying the order of sumti
- sumti with lo
- compared to indefinite sumti: Grouping of quantifiers
- sumti with tense
- effect of main bridi tense on: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- sumti with tenses
- quick-tour version: Tenses
- sumti-based description
- definition: sumti-based descriptions
- inner quantifier on: sumti-based descriptions
- outer quantifier on: sumti-based descriptions
- sumti-based descriptions with le
- as increasing restricting to in-mind: sumti-based descriptions
- sunburn
- example: Property abstractions
- superfective event contour: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- superscripts: Subscripts
- supervising
- as a contribution to mass action: Non-logical connectives
- supplementary information: Dependent places
- sword blade: lujvo with more than two parts.
- syllabaries
- lerfu word representation: What about Chinese characters?
- syllabic consonant
- effect on stress determination: cmevla
- syllabic consonants: Diphthongs and Syllabic Consonants
- effect on stress: Diphthongs and Syllabic Consonants
- final in word: Diphthongs and Syllabic Consonants
- syllabic l
- considered as a consonant for morphological discussions: Introductory
- syllabic m
- as a consonant for morphological discussions: Introductory
- syllabic n
- as a consonant for morphological discussions: Introductory
- syllabic r
- as a consonant for morphological discussions: Introductory
- syllabication
- and names: Syllabication And Stress
- definition of: Syllabication And Stress
- examples of: Syllabication And Stress
- rules for: Syllabication And Stress
- syllable break
- contrasted with pause: The Special Lojban Characters
- representation in Lojban: The Special Lojban Characters
- symbol for: The universal bu
- word for: The universal bu
- symbol
- for operand: Miscellany
- referring to with lu'e: sumti qualifiers
- symmetrical tanru: Some types of symmetrical tanru
- symmetrical tanru types
- both separately true: Some types of symmetrical tanru
- one or other true: Some types of symmetrical tanru
- using crucial/typical parts: Some types of symmetrical tanru
- using more inclusive class: Some types of symmetrical tanru
- symmetrical veljvo: Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo
- sympathy
- example: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- ta
- contrasted with di'u: Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
- tables
- format of: What are the typographical conventions of this book?
- tagged sumti termsets
- connecting with non-logical forethought connectives: More about non-logical connectives
- TAhE selma'o
- effect of ZAhO on fe'e flag: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- scalar negation of: Tense negation
- tail-terms
- definition: Compound bridi
- tanru
- ambiguity in: lujvo
- ambiguity of: lujvo, Simple tanru
- and abstractions: The syntax of abstraction
- and conversion
- quick-tour version: tanru
- and creativity: lujvo
- as ambiguous: Simple tanru
- asymmetrical: Some types of asymmetrical tanru
- combination of: lujvo
- containing mathematical expressions: Other kinds of simple selbri
- default left-grouping of: Three-part tanru grouping with bo
- definition: Simple tanru
- quick-tour version: Lojban grammatical terms
- expanding: Discursives
- explanation of: lujvo
- explicating: Discursives
- explicitly defining: Discursives
- expression of: lujvo
- meaning of: Simple tanru
- place structure of: The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour
- quick-tour version: tanru
- place structures of: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o, Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
- possible meanings of: The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour
- primary meaning of: Simple tanru
- purpose: The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour
- quick-tour version: tanru
- reducing logically connected sumti to
- caveat: Logical connection within tanru
- simple: Simple tanru
- to lujvo: lujvo
- with GOhA: Other kinds of simple selbri
- tanru and conversion: Conversion of simple selbri
- tanru connection
- connotation of non-logical: Non-logical connectives
- tanru connection grouping
- guheks unmarked tanru: Logical connection within tanru
- tanru conversion
- effect on place structure
- quick-tour version: tanru
- tanru default grouping
- quick-tour version: tanru
- tanru grouping
- complex: Complex tanru grouping
- effect of jeks: Logical connection within tanru
- effect of tanru inversion on: Inversion of tanru: co
- guheks compared with jeks: Logical connection within tanru
- three-part: Three-part tanru grouping with bo
- with bo: Complex tanru grouping
- with ke: Complex tanru with ke and ke'e
- with ke and bo: Complex tanru with ke and ke'e
- tanru grouping with JA+BO
- effect on tanru grouping: Logical connection within tanru
- tanru inversion: Inversion of tanru: co
- definition: Inversion of tanru: co
- effect on tanru grouping: Inversion of tanru: co
- in complex tanru: Inversion of tanru: co
- multiple: Inversion of tanru: co
- rule for removing: Inversion of tanru: co
- where allowed: Inversion of tanru: co
- tanru inversion and place structure: Inversion of tanru: co
- tanru logical connection
- contrasted with sumti logical connection: Logical connection within tanru
- tanru nested within tanru: Three-part tanru grouping with bo
- technical terms: What are the typographical conventions of this book?
- telephone conversation
- hello: Vocative scales
- television: IPA For English Speakers
- template: Minor abstraction types
- temporal direction
- exception in meaning when following ze'e: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
- temporal information
- adding to a sentence with tense sumtcita: Tenses as sumtcita
- temporal tense
- as mandatory in English: Introductory
- compared with spatial tense in elidability: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- historical definition: Introductory
- interaction with 4-dimensional spatial tense: Dimensionality: VIhA
- Lojban contrasted with English in necessity: Introductory
- order relative to spatial: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
- quantified with direction: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
- real relationship to time in English: Introductory
- temporal tense elision
- compared with spatial tense elision in meaning: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- temporal tenses
- compared with spatial tenses: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
- ten
- expressing as number: Lojban numbers
- tense
- aorist: Vague intervals and non-specific tenses
- as observer-based: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
- as subjective perception: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
- connecting sentences in with: Tense relations between sentences
- contradictory negation contrasted with scalar negation of: Tense negation
- effect of different position in sentence: Introductory
- effect of sticky tense on: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- emphasizing by position in sentence: Introductory
- explanation of presentation method: Introductory
- expressing movement in: Movement in space: MOhI
- handling multiple episodes: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- in forethought bridi-tail connection
- special rule: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- interval contrasted with point: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- Lojban contrasted with English in implications of completeness: Vague intervals and non-specific tenses
- Lojban contrasted with English in implying actuality: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
- Lojban contrasted with native languages: Introductory
- numerical: Other uses of mekso
- on embedded bridi: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- order of direction
- distance and interval in: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- order of direction specification in: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- order of distance specification in: Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA
- order of movement specification in: Movement in space: MOhI
- order of spatial interval modifiers in : Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- order of temporal and spatial in: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
- overriding to speaker's current: Tenses in subordinate bridi
- point contrasted with interval: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- position in sentence alternative: Introductory
- position of in sentence: Introductory
- quantified: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
- rationale for relative order of temporal and spatial in: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
- relation of interval to point specified by direction and distance: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- relation of point specified by direction and distance to interval: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- relative order with bridi negation: Tenses and bridi negation
- scalar negation contrasted with contradictory negation of: Tense negation
- scalar negation of with NAhE: Tense negation
- scope effect of new paragraph: Paragraphs: NIhO
- scope of: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- selbri types applicable to: Introductory
- space-time dimension for intervals: Dimensionality: VIhA
- speaker's current: Tenses in subordinate bridi
- specifying relation of interval to point specified by direction and distance: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- static contrasted with moving: Movement in space: MOhI
- subscripting: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- sumtcita form contrasted with connected sentences: Tense relations between sentences
- with both temporal and spatial: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
- with ku: Introductory
- tense afterthought connection forms
- selma'o allowed: Tense relations between sentences
- tense and na
- multiple: Tenses and bridi negation
- tense as sumtcita
- contrasted with tense inside sumti: Tenses as sumtcita
- tense cmavo
- position relative to selbri: Tenses and bridi negation
- tense connected sentences
- contrasted with separately tensed sentences: Tense relations between sentences
- forethought mode: Tense relations between sentences
- importance of bo in: Tense relations between sentences
- tense connection
- equivalent meanings: Tense relations between sentences
- expansions of: Tense relations between sentences
- tense connection of bridi-tails
- meaning of: Tense relations between sentences
- tense connection of sentences
- contrasted with sumtcita form: Tense relations between sentences
- order of: Tense relations between sentences
- tense connection of sumti
- meaning of: Tense relations between sentences
- tense conversion
- accessing original first place with fai: Conversion of sumtcita: JAI
- accessing tense of bridi with jai: Conversion of sumtcita: JAI
- of temporal tenses: Conversion of sumtcita: JAI
- use in sumti descriptions: Conversion of sumtcita: JAI
- with jai: Conversion of simple selbri
- tense direction
- as sumtcita: Tenses as sumtcita
- contrasted with event contours in implication of extent: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- implications on scope of event: Vague intervals and non-specific tenses
- tense direction/distance as sumtcita
- contrasted with event contours: Tenses as sumtcita
- tense distance
- as sumtcita: Tenses as sumtcita
- tense forethought connection forms
- selma'o allowed: Tense relations between sentences
- tense in scope of sticky tense
- compared with compound tense: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- tense inside sumti
- contrasted with tense as sumtcita: Tenses as sumtcita
- tense on main bridi
- effect on embedded bridi tenses: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- effect on embedded sumti with tenses: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- tense questions
- by using logical connective question: Tense questions: cu'e
- methods of asking: Tense questions: cu'e
- tense questions with ma: Tense questions: cu'e
- tense selma'o
- summary of: Summary of tense selma'o
- tense sentence connection
- table of equivalent schemata: Tenses versus modals
- tense specification
- effect on "cu": Introductory
- effect on elidability of terminators: Introductory
- tense system
- and space location: Introductory, Introductory
- tense tags and sumtcita: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
- tense with sumtcita
- asymmetry of: Tense relations between sentences
- tense-or-modal questions
- pre-specifying some information: Tense questions: cu'e
- with cu'e: Tense questions: cu'e
- tensed connectives
- in mathematical expressions: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- tensed logical connection: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- tensed logical connectives: Tensed logical connectives
- forethought: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- in ek…bo: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- in ek…ke: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- in gihek…bo: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- in gihek…ke: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- in ijek…bo: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- in ijek…tu'e: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- in ijoik…bo: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- in ijoik…tu'e: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- in jek…bo: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- in joik…bo: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- in joik…ke: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- with ke…ke'e: Tensed logical connectives
- with tu'e…tu'u: Tensed logical connectives
- tensed logically connected bridi-tails: Tensed logical connectives
- with grouping: Tensed logical connectives
- tensed logically connected sentences: Tensed logical connectives
- with grouping: Tensed logical connectives
- tensed logically connected sumti: Tensed logical connectives
- with grouping: Tensed logical connectives
- tensed non-logical connectives: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- forethought: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- tenseless sentences in story time: Story time
- tenses
- compared with modals in syntax: Tenses versus modals
- connected
- with negation: Logical and non-logical connections between tenses
- contradictory negation of with nai: Tense negation
- contrasted with modals in semantics: Tenses versus modals
- forethought connection in: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- forethought logical connections: Logical and non-logical connections between tenses
- grouping of connectives in: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- importance of 2nd sumti place for sumtcita use: Tenses versus modals
- logically connected with JA: Logical and non-logical connections between tenses
- multiple in sentence: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- multiple in sentence compared with compound tense: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- negating: Tense negation
- non-logical connection of: Logical and non-logical connections between tenses
- non-logical connection of for sub-events: Sub-events
- possible groupings of: Logical and non-logical connections between tenses
- quick-tour version: Tenses
- use as sumtcita: Tenses as sumtcita
- viewpoint of PU contrasted with viewpoint of ZAhO: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- tenses with elided CAhA
- meaning: Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA
- term
- definition: Termset logical connection
- terminators
- eliding ku in non-logical connections: Non-logical connectives
- termset
- effect on scope of multiple indefinite sumti: Grouping of quantifiers
- formation: Termset logical connection
- termset logical connection
- unequal length: Termset logical connection
- termset modal connection: Other modal connections
- termsets
- compared to fa'u: Non-logical connectives
- non-logical connection of: More about non-logical connectives
- tertau
- definition: Inversion of tanru: co
- definition of: Simple tanru
- effect on meaning of tanru: Simple tanru
- text
- division numbering with -mai: Other uses of mekso
- sub-division numbering with -mai: Other uses of mekso
- text quotation
- as internally grammatical: Quotation summary
- syntax of: Quotation summary
- thank you
- example: Vocative scales
- the
- contrasted with a/an: Miscellaneous indicators
- example: Miscellaneous indicators
- for talking about numbers themselves: Simple infix expressions and equations
- this
- adjective expression with ti noi: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- adjective expression with vi: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- adjective usage contrasted with pronoun usage: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- as utterance reference in English: Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
- pronoun expression with ti: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- pronoun usage contrasted with adjective usage: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- this book
- author of: Acknowledgements and Credits
- contributors to: Acknowledgements and Credits
- credits for: Acknowledgements and Credits
- examples of: What are the typographical conventions of this book?
- goal of: What is this book?
- reviewers of: Acknowledgements and Credits
- structure of: What is this book?
- this/that in English
- compared with ti-series pro-sumti: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- thus
- example: Evidentials
- ti
- as pronoun expression for English this: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- ti noi
- as adjective expression for this: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- ti-series pro-sumti
- 3 degrees of distance with: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- as pointing referents only: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- compared with English this/that: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- contrasted with di'u-series pro-sumti: Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
- conversational convention for: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- lack of pro-bridi equivalent: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- problems in written text: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- tilde
- a diacritical mark: Accent marks and compound lerfu words
- time
- as part of tense system (see also tense
- temporal tense): Introductory
- as space-based metaphor: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- contrasted with space in number of directions: Temporal tenses: PU and ZI
- time tenses
- quick-tour version: Tenses
- time travel: Movement in space: MOhI
- times
- explicit expression of: Indefinite numbers
- implicit expression of: Indefinite numbers
- title
- specifying with tu'e…tu'u: Sentences: I
- to the market from the office: Termset logical connection
- to'o
- special note on direction orientation: List of spatial directions and direction-like relations
- Tolkien
- and non-standard Lojban orthography: Oddball Orthographies
- too
- example: Discursives
- too many rats
- example: Special mekso selbri
- topic-comment
- description: Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU
- topic/comment
- multiple sentence: Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU
- tosmabru test: The lujvo-making algorithm
- toward right
- contrasted with on right: Movement in space: MOhI
- transformations with logical connectives
- steps: Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law
- triumph: Types of event abstractions
- truncation of number
- expressing: Approximation and inexact numbers
- truth
- in imperative sentences: Truth questions and connective questions
- truth functions: Logical connection and truth tables
- 16 possible: Logical connection and truth tables
- commutative: The Four basic vowels
- creating all 16 with Lojban's basic set: The Four basic vowels
- fundamental 4 in Lojban: The Four basic vowels
- relation to logical connectives: The Four basic vowels
- table of logical connectives: Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives
- truth questions: Miscellaneous indicators
- answering "no": Truth questions and connective questions
- answering "yes": Truth questions and connective questions
- as yes-or-no questions: Truth questions and connective questions
- contrasted with connection questions: Truth questions and connective questions
- simple: Truth questions and connective questions
- truth table
- explanation: Logical connection and truth tables
- truth tables
- abbreviated format: Logical connection and truth tables
- for 4 fundamental Lojban truth functions: The Four basic vowels
- list of 16 in abbreviated form: Logical connection and truth tables
- notation convention: Logical connection and truth tables
- truth-value abstractions
- place structure: Truth-value abstraction: jei, Predication/sentence abstraction
- ts-sound in Russian
- representation in Lojban: Basic Phonetics
- tu
- archaic English yon as equivalent of: Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series
- tu'a
- as being deliberately vague: sumti qualifiers
- effect of on meaning: sumti qualifiers
- use for forming abstractions: sumti qualifiers
- tu'e
- contrasted with bo for tensed logical connection: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- effect on di'e: More about non-logical connectives
- use in lists: More about non-logical connectives
- tu'o
- for infix operations with too few operands: Infix operators revisited
- types and subtypes of words: brivla
- typical
- compared with stereotypical: Descriptors for typical objects
- typical objects
- and instantiation: Descriptors for typical objects
- determining characteristics of: Descriptors for typical objects
- typical Smith
- example: Descriptors for typical objects
- typical sumti: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series
- typical value
- contrasted with elliptical value for sumti: Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series