- A gives B to C: lerfu words as pro-sumti
- A gives BC: lerfu words as pro-sumti
- A loves B: lerfu words as pro-sumti
- ABC base 16: Non-decimal and compound bases
- Abraham Lincoln: Truth questions and connective questions
- Acer: fu'ivla
- addition problems: Other kinds of simple selbri
- afraid of horse: Relative clauses and descriptors
- after sleep: Propositional attitude indicators, Propositional attitude indicators, Propositional attitude indicators, Propositional attitude indicators, Propositional attitude indicators
- aleph null: Special numbers
- Alexander Pavlovitch Kuznetsov: lerfu words as pro-sumti
- all-th: Special mekso selbri
- always and everywhere: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- American dollars: Computerized character codes
- Amsterdam: Buffering Of Consonant Clusters
- and earlier: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- and simultaneously: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- and then: Tensed logical connectives, Tensed logical connectives, Tensed logical connectives, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection, Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- anyone who goes
- walks: The problem of “any”
- Appassionata: Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison
- approximately 40: Approximation and inexact numbers
- Armstrong: Syllabication And Stress
- Arnold: cmevla
- Artur Rubenstein: Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison
- assumption: Evidentials
- at least: Approximation and inexact numbers
- at least two: Approximation and inexact numbers
- at most: Approximation and inexact numbers
- at most two: Approximation and inexact numbers
- attend school: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
- Avon: Modal tags: BAI
- bear wrote story: The three basic description types
- Bears wrote book: Individuals and masses
- beautiful dog: The sumti di'u and la'e di'u
- beefsteak: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
- Beethoven: Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison, Modal relative phrases; Comparison
- beetle: Dependent places
- being alive: Types of event abstractions
- better: Comparatives and superlatives
- between Dresden and Frankfurt: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection, Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- bicycle race: Minor abstraction types
- big boat: lujvo
- big nose: What are you pointing at?
- big nose-pores: What are you pointing at?
- big person: What are you pointing at?
- big red dog: Logical connection within tanru
- Bill Clinton: The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour
- blue
- as sad: Miscellaneous indicators
- blue and red: Non-logical connectives
- blue house: Conversion: SE, Logical connection within tanru, Logical connection within tanru
- blue-eyed: Eliding SE rafsi from tertau
- boat sailed: Tenses as sumtcita
- bomb destroyed fifty miles: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- bone bread: Buffering Of Consonant Clusters
- Boston from Atlanta: Standard bridi form: cu
- both dogs: Indefinite numbers
- bovine: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
- breathe: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- brie: fu'ivla
- Brooklyn: Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o
- brothers: Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives, Non-logical connectives
- Brown
- John: cmevla, cmevla
- Bulgarian: fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla
- butter is soft: Individuals and masses
- butterfly
- social: tanru
- F.8 base 16: Non-decimal and compound bases
- far away from the nearby park: Tenses as sumtcita
- fast talker: tanru
- fast-talker shoe: tanru
- father: The concept of the bridi
- father mother: lujvo
- fewsome: Special mekso selbri
- Fido: Dropping the prenex
- field rations: lujvo
- finished: Event contours: ZAhO and re'u
- first rat: Special mekso selbri
- firstly: Other uses of mekso
- fish eat: Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU, Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU
- fish on right: Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA
- flashbacks in story time: Story time
- font: Alien alphabets, Alien alphabets, Alien alphabets
- formal requirement: Attitudes as scales, Attitudes as scales, Attitudes as scales, Attitudes as scales, Attitudes as scales, Attitudes as scales
- former market: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- four "e"s: References to lerfu
- Four score and seven: Four score and seven: a mekso problem
- fourteen "e"s: What's a letteral, anyway?
- Frank is a fool: Predication/sentence abstraction, Predication/sentence abstraction
- friend's cup: Relative phrases
- from one to two o'clock: Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection
- function f of x: Mathematical uses of lerfu strings
- had earlier: Sticky and multiple tenses: KI
- han4zi4: What about Chinese characters?
- hands in pockets: Relative phrases
- handwriting: Alien alphabets
- happiness: Abstraction focus pro-sumti: ce'u
- has a heart: Property abstractions
- have never: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
- healthy: Questions, Questions, Questions, Questions, Questions
- Helvetica font: Alien alphabets
- hepatitis: rafsi, rafsi
- hiragana: Alien alphabets
- hit cousin: Discursives, Discursives, Discursives, Discursives
- hit nose: Discursives, Discursives, Discursives, Discursives
- hits: The concept of the bridi
- Hollywood: Descriptors for typical objects
- hours
- example of timestamp: Non-decimal and compound bases
- huh?: Miscellaneous indicators
- husband and wife: Evidentials
- Ralph: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- rat eats cheese: Interval properties: TAhE and roi, Tenses as sumtcita, Tenses as sumtcita, Tenses as sumtcita
- rat eats cheese in park: Conversion of sumtcita: JAI, Conversion of sumtcita: JAI
- rats are brown: Masses and sets
- rats in park: Special mekso selbri
- Red Pony: sumti qualifiers, sumti qualifiers
- red pony: Relative clauses and complex sumti: vu'o, Relative clauses and complex sumti: vu'o
- regularly: Interval properties: TAhE and roi
- respectively: Non-logical connectives
- rich and German: More about non-logical connectives, More about non-logical connectives
- rock face: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- Roman Empire: Types of event abstractions
- room which he built: Relative clauses within relative clauses, Relative clauses within relative clauses
- rounded down: Approximation and inexact numbers
- rounded up: Approximation and inexact numbers
- rug
- Persian: rafsi
- runner shoe: tanru
- said John: Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI, Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
- salad ingredients: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- scale of redness: Special mekso selbri
- school building: Dependent places
- schooner: Lojban content words: brivla
- seconds
- example of timestamp: Non-decimal and compound bases
- see with eye: Modal selbri
- see with left eye: Modal places: FIhO, FEhU
- set of all rats: Special mekso selbri
- set of rats: sumti qualifiers, sumti qualifiers, sumti qualifiers
- shell worm: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
- shellfish: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
- Sherman tank: rafsi
- ship sank: Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours
- shook stick: What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?, What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for?
- Simon says: Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series
- simultaneously: Tenses, modals, and logical connection
- singular me: Special mekso selbri
- sister pregnant: Discursives, Discursives
- six-shooter: Sub-events
- sneak in: Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo
- snow falls: Tenses as sumtcita
- snowball's chance: Special mekso selbri
- social butterfly: tanru
- Socrates: Modal sentence connection: the causals
- some do not go to school: Using naku outside a prenex
- some relationship: selbri variables
- somebody loves self: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- somebody loves somebody: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- somebody's dog: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables
- something is loved by everybody: Negation boundaries
- something sees everything: Universal claims
- something sees me: Existential claims, prenexes, and variables, Variables with generalized quantifiers
- south face: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- sow grain: Space interval modifiers: FEhE
- sowed grain: Tense questions: cu'e
- spaghetti: fu'ivla
- SQL: Acronyms
- Steven Mark Jones: lerfu words as pro-sumti
- stroke cat then rabbit: Tensed logical connectives, Tensed logical connectives, Tensed logical connectives
- Sun
- the: cmevla
- supper: rafsi
- Susan: Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI
- syllabic pronunciations of consonants
- in fu'ivla: fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla
- in fu'ivla category attachment: fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla, fu'ivla
- syllabication
- variants of: Syllabication And Stress