14.10.  Multiple compound bridi

Giheks can be combined with bo in the same way as eks:

Example 14.60. 

mi nelci la .djan. gi'e nelci la .martas. gi'abo nelci la .meris.

I like John and ( like Martha or like Mary ).

is equivalent in meaning to Example 14.39 and Example 14.40 . Likewise, keke'e grouping can be used after giheks:

Example 14.61. 

mi dzukla le zarci
I walk-to the market
gi'e dzukla le zdani
and walk-to the house,
gi'a ke dzukla le ckule
or ( walk-to the school
gi'e dzukla le briju [ke'e]
and walk-to the office. )

is the gihek version of Example 14.47 . The same rule about using keke'e bracketing only just after a connective applies to bridi-tails as to sumti, so the first two bridi-tails in Example 14.61 cannot be explicitly grouped; implicit left-grouping suffices to associate them.

Each of the pairs of bridi-tails joined by multiple giheks can have its own set of tail-terms:

Example 14.62. 

mi dejni lo rupnu la .djan.
[If] I owe some currency-units to-that-named John,
.inaja mi dunda le cukta la .djan.
then I give the book to-that-named John
.ijabo mi lebna le cukta la .djan.
or I take the book from-that-named John.

is equivalent in meaning to:

Example 14.63. 

mi dejni lo rupnu nagi'a dunda
[If] I owe some currency-units then (give
gi'abo lebna vau le cukta vau la .djan.
or take) a book to/from-that-named John.

The literal English translation in Example 14.63 is almost unintelligible, but the Lojban is perfectly grammatical. mi fills the x1 place of all three selbri; lo rupnu is the x2 of dejni , whereas le cukta is a tail-term shared between dunda and lebna ; la .djan. is a tail-term shared by dejni and by dunda gi'abo lebna . In this case, greater clarity is probably achieved by moving la .djan. to the beginning of the sentence, as in Example 14.53 :

Example 14.64. 

fi la .djan. fa mi dejni lo rupnu
To/from that-named John, [if] I owe some currency-units
nagi'a dunda gi'abo lebna vau le cukta
then [I] give or take the book.

Finally, what about forethought logical connection of bridi-tails? There is no direct mechanism for the purpose. Instead, Lojban grammar allows a pair of forethought-connected sentences to function as a single bridi-tail, and of course the sentences need not have terms before their selbri. For example:

Example 14.65. 

mi ge klama le zarci gi nelci la .djan.
I both go-to the market and like that-named John.

is equivalent in meaning to Example 14.50 .

Of course, either of the connected sentences may contain giheks:

Example 14.66. 

mi ge klama le zarci gi'e dzukla le zdani
I both (go to-the market and walk to-the house)
gi nelci la .djan.
and like that-named John.

The entire gek-connected sentence pair may be negated as a whole by prefixing na :

Example 14.67. 

mi na ge klama le zarci gi dzukla le zdani
[False!] I both go-to the market and walk-to the house.

Since a pair of sentences joined by geks is the equivalent of a bridi-tail, it may be followed by tail terms. The forethought equivalent of Example 14.54 is:

Example 14.68. 

mi ge dunda le cukta
I both (give the book)
gi lebna lo jdini vau do
and (take some money ) to/from-you.

Here is a pair of gek-connected observatives, a forethought equivalent of Example 14.57 :

Example 14.69. 

ge klama le zarci gi dzukla le briju
Both a-goer to-the market and a-walker to-the office.

Finally, here is an example of gek-connected sentences with both shared and unshared terms before their selbri:

Example 14.70. 

mi gonai le zarci cu klama gi le bisli cu dansu
I either-but-not-both to-the office go or on-the ice dance.

I either go to the office or dance on the ice (but not both).