10.24.  Tense questions: cu'e

The following cmavo is discussed in this section:



tense question

There are two main ways to ask questions about tense. The main English tense question words are When? and Where? . These may be paraphrased respectively as At what time? and At what place? In these forms, their Lojban equivalents simply involve a tense plus ma , the Lojban sumti question:

Example 10.179. 

do klama le zdani ca ma
You go-to the house [present] [what-sumti?].
You go-to the house at what-time?

When do you go to the house?

Example 10.180. 

le verba vi ma pu cadzu le bisli
The child [short-space] [what-sumti?] [past] walks-on the ice.
The child at/near what-place walked-on the ice?

Where did the child walk on the ice?

There is also a non-specific tense and modal question, cu'e , belonging to selma'o CUhE. This can be used wherever a tense or modal construct can be used.

Example 10.181. 

le nanmu cu'e batci le gerku
The man [what-tense?] bites the dog.

When/Where/How does the man bite the dog?

Possible answers to Example 10.181 might be:

Example 10.182. 


Some ways from here.

Example 10.183. 


A long time ago.

Example 10.184. 

vi le lunra
[short-space] The moon.

On the moon.

Example 10.185. 


He hasn't yet done so.

or even the modal reply (from selma'o BAI; see Section 9.6 ):

Example 10.186. 

seka'a le briju
With-destination the office.

The only way to combine cu'e with other tense cmavo is through logical connection, which makes a question that pre-specifies some information:

Example 10.187. 

do puzi je cu'e sombo le gurni
You [past-short] and [when?] sow the grain?

You sowed the grain a little while ago; when else do you sow it?

Additionally, the logical connective itself can be replaced by a question word:

Example 10.188. 

la .artr. pu je'i ba nolraitru
That-named Arthur [past] [which?] [future] is-a-king

Was Arthur a king or will he be?

Answers to Example 10.188 would be logical connectives such as je , meaning both , naje meaning the latter , or jenai meaning the former .